Battlegrounds Are Terrible

Who likes Battlegrounds? It takes forever and seems to depend on what you get offered in the tavern.

Am I too old for this mode? What is the appeal?

Consider this my vote to remove it from Hearthstone!

It’s aight.

Eh. Fair.


I don’t need a collection AND I don’t need tickets.

Why? What are we doing to you? Leave us alone to be weird in peace.

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I don’t really like the mode either though I wouldn’t say it should be removed from the game, watching the game play itself isn’t really fun and the matches take forever too

Who likes Standard? Who likes wild? You must spend money when you want 2 compete in this mode. Matches are pretty boring against those control warriors or sludge locks. So take this as my vote to remove this mode from the game. Thx

and yes you are 2 old for this mode!