Battleground idea new races

i have some ideas hope on new race with new meccanics, Angels the idea is to spread the damage on angels and retaliate, i made some images but i can’t post it here. Tyrael a level 6 card [taking the damage for another angel and mitigate (maybe take half damage or 1 time per fight ignore damage)] Auriel card lvl 4 [when an angel take damage spread equally on other angels] malthael card lvl 6 [when malthael take damage redirect half of that damage on an enemy minion] maybe have some other angels that heal when another one take damage or something like that.
And i was even thinking about acolyte since all card in are based on scaling i wanted a full race based on debuff. something like deathrattle permanent -1/-1 on all enemy or others that when attack put a counter on enemy every third mark u give that minion half attack for the fight. Hope u like my ideas guys. Sorry 4 the long post. Here take a potato :potato: