Battle-Ready Decks for Twist will be sold again?

I would like to know Battle-Ready Decks for Twist or Wild will be sold again?

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I’m sure they’ll have something up when they unlock the mode again.

The real question is if anyone is going to be duped into buying anything for tthat scam mode, considering they keep shuttering modes like there’s no tomorrow, and have locked twist already…and nothing saying they won’t just not unlock it at some point in the future.

boba why do you even bother opening the thread to post a non answer and say they closed the commons only twist ?anyone can tell you are lying just by opening HS

probably not for this one is commons only

and if they do

pay attention to your collection and the modes you like to play make sure the cards youll get is something youll want to use on other formats you play too not just twist because the rules change

for example for me the druid one was a great deal because i was missing all the legendaries in it along with 2 epics i play wild so it was a really good one for me
that one was the best offeer we had on one of those battle ready decks 4 legendaries and 2 epics

dont get it just to get one legendary if 1 legendary from a battle ready deck is all you want or have all othe others

youll be better off spending that gold in packs from the card expansion

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