Battle net tag change suggestions

Yeah, it is annoying. I changed from Dissonance to Lykotic and went from 1000 something to 11224 or something like that. I was kind of sad =(

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oof, tragic for our stats shaman friend.

Might also be refilling voided numbers

What do you mean? (sorry I am confused about how numbers work lol)

maybe someone had 1455 with the same name and changed it to something else. your friend then happened to make that account and get 1455

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oh, then sheā€™s really lucky. That might be it. Hm, I hate how Blizzard doesnā€™t publicly announces stuff like this and how it works, it isnā€™t a secret.

Iā€™ve just opened a support ticket and said Iā€™d be willing to PAY for a name change, even more than a regular name change if I can have Bee#1 or at least top 999 since Iā€™m sure thereā€™s absolutely no way all the accounts within the top 999 are used.

Letā€™s see what they say, I expect them to refuse though. I even said Iā€™d be paying 100 bucks for Bee#1 :slight_smile:

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wait, so letā€™s say they somehow agree and youā€™re bee #1, if I apply for an account under Bee I would have a chance at your number then right?

Some names off the top of my head;

Rock Strongo,
Max Power,
Colt 45,
Herman the German.

If these names ainā€™t manly, then I donā€™t know.

Iā€™m gonna say yes but this is just an assumption.

Thereā€™s nothing suggesting it works like that aside from logic.

Although Iā€™m 99.9% sure they wonā€™t agree with my terms.
Iā€™ll let you know if it worked.

What about " 'Tis but a Scratch".
It symbolizes your incredible resilience as a manly warrior man, while also referencing the manliest fighter to ever grace the Manosphere: The Black Knight.

Also because armor.
Face is the place. But hitting your face hurts aggro playersā€™ souls.

Impossible! im 11224.

wtf ??? what are the odds of his random number being the same as a poster.

To be exact the odds are 1 in 7

How so ? He could have chosen any number between 1 and infinite and he chose exactly your ID, 11224.

I donā€™t see how thatā€™s 1 in 7.

it doesnt matter as long as I am confident in my answer then others will definitely believe me.

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Well, I donā€™t believe you.

The odds are in fact 1 in 7, I did the research

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But did you research the research and cite your sauces?

The answer is 1 in 7. I could give you the formula used to arrive at this conclusion, but only a mathematical genius would understand it.