Balance Changes and Wild Impact

If you can’t beat em, join em.

I enjoy having a soul :yum:


I won’t join them and still beat them

My Murlocs shall FEAST on their poor early game! MRGHL!!!

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first bladefurry gutted,then leeching for slow kingsbane gutted (instead of a nerf to radiing at time and even then the leeching was way way overnerfed) ,then cold blood nerf making it worse eviscerate and way worse blessing of might(2mana is fine if you actulyl buff how much attack it gives) instead of baku who with genn will forever casue issues

and now preperation

Not cool at all. rogue is my favorite class(escpially jade rogue and mill rogue)

we would sooner see sprint/vanish and fan for example costing 1/2 mana more then ever getting the prep taks gone now prep is nerfed from almost all spells the class has

We should keep in mind that Blizzard didn’t look for one single millisecond at wild while considering these nerfs. To them, wild does not exist.

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That’s obviously not true, as the nerfs to Aviana and Flametongue Totem show.

This could be bad for Wild.

Res Priest is already the most popular deck in the format, now that one of its biggest counters is destroyed does it make it better?

On the other hand, Kingsbane was a control killing aggressive deck, so if people just switch to other aggro decks to counter BP it’s possible Reno decks could be viable again since they should be able to handle dudes and fish better than weapon wacks.

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I think the biggest impact in Wild is entirely in how Wild players perceive the game. Big Priest has been a big issue in Wild since forever, and I can’t imagine people will take lightly the fact that Blizzard (yet again) ignored that particular deck.

Sure, they have their reasons, but even those reasons will probably not be enough for some. And the longer they go without addressing Big Priest, the worse the reaction you’ll see from the playerbase.


Thank goodness there are other fast decks that work in Wild so it can skew the winning rate of BP to disguise its effect on the Meta.

There were some games I played where odd warrior goes to fatigue. I have alexstrassa in my deck so that the opponent dies first but would be interesting to replace that with elysiana.

I think Prep nerf is just WRONG, we’re going to accept that? It affects being able to play ANY old Rogue deck with the same feel. Spells like Oil, Vanish, Sprint: way too many spells for me to list.

In my opinion Waggle Pick HAD to be nerfed to a 3/2.

This is what I think will happen in the long-run. I think Big Priest does benefit slightly in the end but I think the more Control decks outside of Jade Druid and Baku Warrior can exist in this “brave new world” and one of my favorite decks - Dragon Control Priest has a place once again as it is a control deck that interferes with Big Priest decently well.

Very fair point

I doubt anyone, even at Team 5, doesn’t realize what Big Priest does to the meta. Some deck will twist the meta the question is only… is the playerbase and/or company okay with it being Big Priest? I don’t liek it but that is one opinion among many

That were not really used…

Going back two years the only really common (meta relevant) Rogue decks were Baku Rogue, Kingsbane Aggro Rogue, and Kingsbane Control Rogue. The Prep nerf (let’s assume Leeching Poison isn’t nerfed here) doesn’t kill any of those decks off. The combo of Prep + Raiding Party nerfs I do think kills Kingsbane Aggro Rogue but I think it would have survived one of the two.

Edit: I get fun decks but really only a Tempo or Miracle get impacted. Something like, what I play, Big Rogue isn’t impacted at all really by this change to Prep.

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Silent casuals, returning players, etc. are just going to quit Hearthstone, and we will hardly hear about it. So much creative potential of all the spells, anything from meme, to making Miracle Rogue viable, I don’t see how this doesn’t have a big impact at all.

This is precisely what I came here to discuss. My first match of the day was a resurrect priest and I don’t enjoy standard. My Even Shaman was outvalued and they kept ressing Lyra and then buffing her…after using most of my removal (1 hex, 2 devolves, cackling…)

Lyra kept giving them more spells like Shadow Visions, which allowed them to discover more res spells and it was a never ending loop with no way for me to win.

Do I deserve to win all the time? Absolutely not - that isn’t what I’m saying at all. What I am saying is they need “more data for Big Priest” which has been around way longer than Lackey Rogue…but they decided they had enough data to nerf Warrior and Rogue?

When the opponent started emoting, I simply squelched and tried to be a good sport…but I just left the match.

These res decks provide serious infinite value that not many other decks can compete with and it makes the game less enjoyable overall. I really wish I could move past it and keep climbing but its honestly soul crushing and makes me not want to play.

I don’t care much for Standard: I liked the variety of Wild but its really hard to see that when you’re faced with such massive, greedy, value decks.

I think its highly unfair that these res decks weren’t even mentioned. We haven’t received any updates or anything. It’s quite sad how little anyone cares about Wild.


And lying to yourself you even have one!

We need proof…

I didn’t think of it at the time but the Prep Change is a huge hit for the Big Priest matchup. Needing 4 mana instead of 3 for Vanish is pretty big. Maybe that’s the push we need to get Big Priest nuked.

Yes, it impacts decks, every nerf impacts decks but in terms of the Wild meta none of those decks were relevant. For the relevant meta or off-meta decks the only ones really impacted by Prep currently is Kingsbane Aggro and Mill Rogue.

No doubt it impacts the potential future metas of the game but you nor I know anything about that so Prep’s nerf is unknown on what the future could of held for the Wild meta.

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Team5 is clearly willing to make changes, as they are showing us today as well with past nerfs. While I personally don’t think these current changes effect wild very much, they can fix an entire play mode by fixing one deck


Unfortunately miracle rogue takes a hit with prep nerf.
that sucks since the deck isn’t streamlined to the face play like aggro rogue.

Prep shouldn’t be nerfed no way.

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The common problem is the zero cost spells. Combos should not be for free, nor any other bonus from free casting: draws, damage, refreshes, boosts, etc. Free casting is easily mitigated by raising a majority of zero cost spells to 1. This still allows for spell cost reduction to serve a purpose, while preserving card value (i.e. preparation reducing by 3). Changing these zero cost spells is the best initial step into correcting wild (Big Priest) and future meta design options. Really consider this. We should be talking about this more so than generic “please nerf [class] or [deck]” stuff. This is a specific change that has widespread effect. We need to push this nerf to zero cost spells. We could avoid further bad nerfs by doing so.