Bad Sportsmanship

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve got a friend request after a game, not to actually be friends and do friend quests and such, but to tell me off because my “skill” allowed me to get lucky draws while their ineptitude prevented them from drawing their board clears. At what point do some players forget that this is a game, and the point is to have fun? Also isn’t luck of the draw part of a card game, and mustn’t you accept that sometimes you have disappointing games?

It just disappoints me as a player who likes to play fun off meta decks and when I actually have a good game and win, I get sore losers who add me to insult me and block me after.


Yeah, it sucks. I like taking about matches but rarely get requests accepted. I assume it’s because they don’t want to be trolled.


That’s a good idea. I actually have had someone add me before to compliment my deckbuilding and actually talk about a cool match, so I would love more interactions like that because it’s simply enjoyable to have a real conversation and make friends. But most of the time is just jerks.


Bad sportsmanship is more often a reflection of the other person’s self doubt and shame. Winning is a genuine part of what makes them feel ‘valid’ and nobody likes to feel invalidated. Keep that in mind when they run their mouths in an effort to recapture the control they have lost in their life. That way it’s easier to be empathetic when you politely reply “I hope your next match goes better for you. Have a nice day.” or something like that.

Do not give the power of your happiness to the people that would gladly destroy it in favour of their own brief smile.


To be fair here, if its about competition then fun is not the primary concern anymore. We arent playing Monopoly here. So if this was in Ranked, then i understand specific frustrations from players, especially since rng plays a significant role in this game. They have more to lose than just a simple game. If it was in Casual then it shouldnt matter, because thats Monopoly territory. I am not justifying aggressive behaviour, i am just saying i understand the possible frustration.

Like others said, just wait a few hours before accepting any friend request in the game. Interestingly, this situation is one of the primary reasons why we do not have an ingame chat.

when you accept a friend request be rdy for an insults snack

devour it if thats the case and laugh at your opponent whining(they get even more triggered being laugh at)

EDIT: posting a nice song while i’am here(not topic related)

I totally get the frustration too, I’ve gotten plenty of frustration in this game. But in the end, I understand it’s still a game and it’s no reason to get insulting and angry at my opponent. It’s the same if it was a sporting event of some kind, sportsmanship is just to be decent. Hell, they teach us as kids to high five and say “GG” whether you win or lose.

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I assume you are at least a teenager, so you should have already experienced the different natures of people. You need to start to expect this kind of behaviour, not only in Hearthstone but in life itself.

In my 30 years, I’ve found a lot of people are actually really decent in real life. It’s mostly online where people are the meanest, when there’s no face-to-face interaction. I’m just disappointed that a gaming community can be pretty awful sometimes, where games are supposed to be about fun. It just sucks the fun out of it, and I pity those that take it too seriously.

This is what happens when humans play pvp games. You’ll get used to it.

None of this would happen if the game was correctly designed/balanced. None of this happened to me since I started playing Gwent simply because the game is brilliantly designed by people who care about the game and the players. There are no communities : it’s an illusion that creates conflict ,segregation… It feeds greedy country leaders and politicians… It’s an absolute disaster to seperate us instead of uniting us. There are only humans with good and bad behavior in this planet.

Sorry , english is not my first language but I hope you’ll understand my point.

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i add people for this reason, to talk about the match, most never accept, 1 in 20 will

Well, I’m adding people to ask for their decks or ask friendly questions about the game and i get a “good try maybe next time you will beat me m0r0n” message and an instant unfriend. Not quite what i was expecting.

Friends? In this game?
People either add you to rage about their loss or are wankers who BM when they have lethal.

Sometimes this game feels designed for horrible people who are either bad losers or horrible winners.

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It’s because an online format where you don’t see your opponent’s face dehumanizes them and makes it harder to feel empathy for their point of view.

Add me for friend quests :slight_smile:

not a question of empathy…simply a question that ppl can let themselve spit out their real mind without consequence…at least to some extent…darker stuff is certainly kept under wraps

technicly its a good and bad thing…good thing because you get to know what ppl rly think…but bad because its a wave of negativity

everyone got that mask in real life…imagine the amount of chaos that would occur if someone could make a wish that everyone alway tell the truth about what they think…lots of ppl would fight due to their vision of whats right and wrong(often because of how they are being raise as a kid)

and i’am quite certain a lot of ppl are hiding a side of them where they would get a gun point at them if they spoke bout what they would do if they didn’t feel hostage by law enforcers

but ya…ChBLa…not a question of empathy…your simply seeing ppl in almost raw state of mind…and dont feed a criminal some excuse to use when they do something wrong…otherwise you could give birth to this law “anyone caught being mean online get to go to jail//pay a 1000$ fine”

If a Hearthstone internet edgelord bothers you, never play an FPS with proximity chat.

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didn’t you know the internet is for slandering others anonomously? my spelling sux yes

love it or hate it but the reality is you should not engage in any social activities for hearthstone 9 times out of 10

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