Arena is by far your worst design

I know why you guys deleted the arena forums now. It’s because you manage to make it worse and worse and don’t want anyone to talk about it : ) This is why now I am going to talk about mage in the arena. IT IS AUTO PICK - MIND YOU I HAVEN"T GOTTEN OT PICK IT IN 10 DRAFTS. WOW RNG COOL GOOD FUN RIGHT!?!

Meanwhile, this was my last 2-2 run. ThiS GUY WAS AT 2-2: replay/nj6g3723bG4t8SBtiCSuNa

Here’s my next run which of course I didn’t get to pick mage either… why is he allowed to morph my 9/9? Thanks, good design. Lets give a spell heavy class more answers to deal with threats.

Mage has been top tier nearly always bc of the hero power but now this card set makes it just nutty… Too much removal, too much generation, power creep insanity… I could post countless examples of how terrible it is to play against mage as ANY OTHER CLASS.

This weekend shady and SLYSSA dropped an 0-3 turd in your beautiful arena. That is an achievement. Kudos to you and your design team as you have made even top tier players crumble to the RNG effects in this clown fiesta!!


And yet, here you are.

(Snark aside, while the old format-specific boards were nice, I do think the new format has made format-specific issues more visible to the playerbase as a whole. I would certainly have not learned as much about Arena if they’ve kept the old system, because I don’t play the mode much and therefore have little reason to check an Arena-specific subforum.)

Lets keep going with the trash that is this arena and hearthstone in general

this was a 3-2 game guy has answers for every thing I play

brawl supercolider batterhead omega devastator sure thanks
epic after epic after epic after epic and RNG generation

really you all can just piss off…
I just drafted warrior and didn’t even get close to the guys that you make me play against

Pretty much the same rock paper scissors system they use in other formats. Get lucky in drafting class and cards.

I actually went 9 - 3 in Arena last run with Warlock. 2 of my 3 losses were to broken token druid top decking buff buff turn 5 and 6. Cant beat a game design. Another player yes, but and AI fixed to counter what you have? Nope.

I think the problems with this meta is:

  • *mech synergy
  • messenger raven *conjurer (TRADE HEAL/SUMMON2 LOL)
  • lack of board clears + too many minion buff/“deathrattle”

and all the good minions are x/x+(1,2/3)
no neutral draft options to recover board, only the 2 drop boar, but then if you’re going 2nd they can just use that to just stop that

all my 11+ wins have only been mage and warlock, not counting other classes that basically got a ladder deck (token druid, legendary evolve sham, etc.)


Just go face more, k?

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Wow, I’m surprised at how much bad information this post has when there are some pretty good sources of information in there. If you know about hsreplay, how on earth can you believe that mage is the best class for arena? Druid has a higher average, and rogue leaves everybody in the dust. Paladin (which is the class you had in the first run for people not checking the replay) is only 0.2% behind mage in win rates.

Also Shadybunny and Slysssa got a 0 win, but that was the only 0 win that Shady has gotten in this meta. That was Slysssa’s first run with Shady that day (and I wouldn’t be too surprised if it was her first arena run this meta) and they threw a game due to miscommunication. Their very next run went 11 wins. Also since this seems like a mage rant, in their 0-3 run they only faced mage once.

As for your runs, I didn’t watch them both all the way, but here’s what I saw. First replay, I saw you play a tempoish deck, yet turns 2,3,4 you hero powered. He did have some flashy cards, but so did you. Even 1 hero power early can be tough to recover from if you’re not playing a control deck and you had 3 in a row when you were trying to be the aggressor. The only reason it wasn’t a blowout, was because you had a solid deck with cards like muster and seal of champions.

For the second replay I was really surprised after how you ranted about not being able to pick mage that you were playing warrior. It’s statistically the worst class by far. Shady has managed to make it work, but your deck looks nothing like his, so you’re not following that archetype. So if you care about your wins why would you ever pick warrior? If you do, without having a plan, don’ be too surprised when a class with a much higher win % beats you.

The only part where I’ll agree with you is that conjurer’s calling is a stupid card and take it one step further and say that I believe it has no place in arena. Thankfully it should be gone in 2 weeks.


Look just look
nerds deck packed full of clear and answers
Epics out the wazooo

walking foutnain
sea giant
sky golem
hagathas scheme
elemental distruction
each one of these is premium for the slot its in


3-2 game sure… gesus christ you are a terrrible game developer

Arena has been trash for a while now unfortunately. I used to play it often,at least 1-2 runs a week and at times many more. Now I haven’t played it at all in like 2 months.

Maybe it was blizzard goal to make it more random and give seasoned players a smaller advantage. Not so much to take arena away from them but more so to make arena a better experience for the less seasoned players. I don’t know it seems like a failure and I hope they will make arena awesome again.

You know, if that was a 3-2 match that means that either your opponent’s deck wasn’t that insane or that he was that bad because otherwise he wouldn’t have lost 2 out of the 5 matches he played. In your case you played an aggressive deck without much sustain like scribes and dalaran crusaders which would give it some resistance to AoE, and you faced against a deck with a lot of AoE and heal which should be your absolute worst matchup. Even still you came pretty close and you’d probably have won if he drew one of his board clears later.

This alone makes people skeptical about the validity of your input. Every 2 months the available sets rotate and it’s a completely different meta. If you haven’t played for 2 months you should have no idea about how the meta is (and the meta isn’t even the same for all of those 2 months).

You might not know, but Shadybunny has been doing some chat drafts since last rotation. He offers input after every pick about what he would have liked so it’s not as bad as normal chat drafts, but it’s definitely sub-optimal. Last rotation he made the chat draft account hit 7.97 average which made it place 73rd at the leaderboard (he also got 8 wins on his account even though he wasn’t shooting for it and had retired some runs). This season the Twitchchat account is at 8.1 wins average. Stating that seasoned players have a small advantage now is just not true.

here is more trashy trashy dumpster nonsense


Trashy dumpter divers arena garbage i don’t care what someones average is, when you lose games like this every other game i’m done i’m just no interested

this priest player was beyond trash, but because he just hsa the right card in his had he wins correct play has no effect 97^ of the time

Shady plays on NA when scrubs are playing during the primary night time, thats why his average is high, he doen’st live in the US


so done with this