Are the devs on a leave? (Brann)

I am trying to understand why Brann is not yet nerfed… The only reasonable explanation is that the devs are on a leave. But then another question arises? Why did they print such a card in the first place? Perhaps they made it so OP to entice people buying the set with money? And then maybe then don’t want to nerf it so soon so that the people that paid won’t feel scammed? Well, if that is the case I have to say that they are ruining the game. If your only goal is to sell cards, not caring about what the cards will do to the game, you will ruin the game completely. And then you will lose all customers… That will serve you well

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that brann deck isnt that good and we know a balance patch is comming around 2 weeks after mini set release

its how they ve been doing it for years

so the “only reasonable explanation” is the mini set release date


Do you know when the mini-set releases, or are you referring to the one that recently dropped?

  • Brim

Pairs ugly with Astalor which is 2/3rds of a well designed card before that final beatstick 3rd form was pulled from some cesspool of kaka.

The deck sucks. It’s a turn 10 combo which is slow and that’s assuming you have both cards in hand at the time. Astalor will be pulled soon off the meta. There is nothing you can do to nerf bran. You have bigger decks to worry about like rogues, paladin, mil Druid, and agro demon hunter.

Looks like quite a few of them are about to be on permanent leave. The axe is coming down

Stop watching that youtuber who advertises the card as OP. Those people are usually mediocre players who barely even go Legend (if they even go Legend most months).

If you ACTUALLY want to figure out the op decks look for TOP-legend players; it’s not the aggro palas or the branns; those people play obscure decks the forum is unaware.

pala is practically BAD beyond diamond-5. rogue and druid and dh are the op decks, though in variations the forum might be unaware of (e.g. not necessarily the Dew Process variety of druid).