Are people just dust starved?

Is it just me, or does it feel that people are actively twisting the nerfs discussions into a dust hunt?

I am not saying it’s exclusively the Legendary cards, but boy do people go out of their way to get outraged by them.

They nerf Dragonbane Shot, Questline Hunter goes to garbage, and people suspiciously ask to still to nerf the Questline.

They nerf the Warrior Questline maybe 6 months ago, and people suspiciously moved on to complain about the other Legendary cards used with it.

They nerfed Miracle Growth, Scales, and Kazakuzan; yet even before Renathal with Druid in the dumpster people were asking for a Guff nerf. Suspiciously nobody thinks Lady Prestor (the Free and non dustable card) is a problem right now; it’s the dustable Legendary!

I am not saying people won’t complain about other rarity cards. But they sure won’t do it very much if there’s a Legendary to target.

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I think it’s a little bit less wanting Dust for cards they have, and a little bit more jealousy of cards they don’t have the Dust to craft. If you can’t beat 'em, join 'em; if you can’t join ‘em, try to prevent others from joinin’ ’em.