Anyone involved with WoWTCG/youtube way back in the day?

Hey, since most WoWTCG players ended up moving to hearthstone I figured I should post this here. Way back in the day, probably 2009 or so, there was a video posted onto YouTube of someone’s TCG loot/item collection. It featured this female night elf (druid/hunter maybe?) going around Stormwind showcasing her collection while there was this really carnival-sounding song playing (it might’ve sounded something like this ?, then jolly roger’s lagoon from Banjo & kazooie starts playing (, then she hearths to shattrath and flies away on an x-51 nether-rocket mount, I’ve been looking for this vid for forever, probably since it’s release, and the only ones I think can know about it (since it seems deleted/privated now) are old time WoWTCG players, who are hard to find these days, does anyone have a link to it, know who uploaded it, etc., or about that first song? I would really appreciate it, thanks

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I have no clue what WoWTCG is.

I’m assuming World of Warcraft trading card game.

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They had a trading card game? I thought it was just wow.

I mean, hearthstone is just a trading card game without the trading part

as a fun fact, a lot of cards/artwork for hearthstone’s vanilla cards were taken from the WoWTCG


I know, I was trying to be humorous. :slight_smile: