Anyone else feel like 'Magnetize' is ruining the game?

you’re really set on missing the point, huh?


If you’re putting so little pressure on them that they’re able to hoard 30 magnetic damage in their hand, and stick a minion on the board, then you kind of deserve to lose, no?

It’s basically a combo deck. If you let a combo deck live long enough, it will draw its combo and kill you.

The problem here lies behind some huge synergies behind some of these decks, more specifically mech hunter decks. You can’t really fight for board against this kind of deck unless you are running a very specific deck against it AND rely on good draw, to make it worse.

Once again, one of the reasons why we need better tech cards. Silence against mechs won’t do much and by the time you get to play them for best value you already lost a lot of resources in the process (minions, health, spells, etc.).

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Yeah I am because I don’t see the problem with a mechanic that isn’t prominent in any tier 1 deck currently and that was pretty manageable even when mech hunter was really good. Magnetic is nothing like charge since a minion like Leeroy can be played on an empty board and deal face damage while magnetic minions require setup and are almost never aggressively statted. The argument that any mechanic is unfun to play against can be made so it’s really difficult to complain about a niche mechanic with one expansion worth of support that has only really been seen since the Boomsday buffs. Also there is a certain 5 mana neutral card that can destroy a mech in virtually all scenarios so tech that in.

I defer to those inimitable prophets, the ICP. They knew not how your Magnetic works, nor do I.