Anyone else feel like 'Magnetize' is ruining the game?

The “movement away from ‘Charge’ minions” idea was completely counter-acted by giving minions, by only needing a 1/1 minion on the board (currently ignoring the fact that there’s a very cheap 1/5 minion that works as well… BUT ALSO, in one turn you can add more than 7 minions to the board WITH CHARGE on that 1/1 because there is 0 limits on how many minions can magnetize to that one … the costs can be reduced by Galvinizer, letting you use 3 5 attack minions in one turn (becaues nothing screams balanced like +15 damage + taunt + divine shield + life steal for 9 mana)


Don’t think of Magnetize as Summoning Minions with Charge.

Think of them as enchantments, like Blessing of Kings. Is Blessing of Kings a 4/4 with Charge? Basically the same thing.


The better question is, why focus on Magnetic exclusively, when the best deck in the game (Combo Priest) also relies on supercharging one minion, but using spells instead of magnetized minions. If anything, you should be arguing that minion buffs are ruining the game.

They aren’t, of course, but at least the broader complaint can provide better long-term solutions to the issue of some classes demanding removal of all minions all the time.

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Don’t think of it as losing, think of it as 2nd place

Because Blessings of Kings you get 4/4 stats for 4 mana cost… Magnetize can give you 7/7 stats at 3 mana … You can’t hand-buff spells like blessing of kings

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Oh friend I’m assuming you haven’t played against Priest when Year of the Mammoth was still in standard?

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Priest is pretty out of hand as well… but there are ways to counter spells being played (i.e. Counter Spell, Lotheb in wild, etc) … there is absolutely 0 counter for Magnetizing a minion as it doesn’t even count as a minion being summoned (i.e. polymorph potion, snipe) you have literally no choice but to take the damage

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Except for Taunt minions. And freeze effects. And Vaporize. And Misdirection. And Freezing Trap.

And silence minions like Spellbreaker or The 3 mana owl

I’ve touched on this subject before - unlike blessing of kings, you can stack more than 2 magnetic minions in your deck and the moment they are played on another minion it basically functions as a charge minion, regadless of the scenario. There’s no drawback to magnetic minions because they barely cost anything extra mana wise in comparison to regular cards and I think that’s the problem with it. It turns into a charge minion if they are magnetized.

They should at least remove the ability for magnetic minions hitting face the turn they are magnetized because normally when you play a minion without the charge tag you can’t go face right away. I think allowing them to attack only other minions when they are magnetized or at least discounting the face damage taken on that turn would make it a bit more balanced.


Can’t silence until the turn after they’ve already done 30 damage in one turn… Also, can’t silence once you “came in second place”


Those technically don’t address OP’s issue, since you can’t prevent face damage from an active minion that had a bunch of magnetized mechs slapped on it.

But yes, you can pretty much negate all of your opponent’s effort on your following turn by silencing the magnetized mech.

There is a thing called removal and it’s pretty useful against mechs since none in Standard have charge so they can’t smack you in the face w/ a mech they just played

The problem is there is more Magnetize power in the game than there is removal. And do you tank face waiting for them to get the big magnetize for you to clear? just so you can be down 1 of your removal cards and playing from behind while they just start stacking another board?


Well if you hate mechs so much I recommend Shaman. They have two transform cards that I can think of off the top of my head (plague of murlocs & hex) which can remove the mech tags. Also they have a lot of ways to generate more of these cards through haunting visions and hagatha.

I include silence as an option since from my experience silencing a magnetized minion generally leaves a 1/5 or 2/2 on boarding negates deathrattles like snip snap and mechano egg.

If they have 30 damage worth of magnetize in their hand, leaving something on the board is not an option. the problem is the sheer power and value behind magnetize, and the lack of available clears compared to how many mechs and magnetize options there are.


So I guess you’re talking about a full hand double glowstone tech buff Paladin? Well in that case they’ve played two slow minions with not immediate effect most likely over two turns which opens a lot of space for punishing these almost dead turns. I would like to know what type of deck you were playing during these experiences to make these my points more relevant.

I’m talking about magnetize and the capabilities of that keyword alone, all decks aside, mine, theirs, yours, ours, whatever. It is by far too powerful for the lack of clears, or the cost associated with them being able to magnetize and play an additional card to a high cost clear that you play and then pass your turn not developing your board


I don’t follow. Are you saying that it’s disadvantageous to remove a 3-5 card investment (magnetic minion) with a 1-2 card removal? I understand that it’s the damage over several turns but maintaining overall board control and having removal or magnetic counters are pretty easy conditions that help you win against mech. Also I ask what deck you play since different archetypes have different answers to magnetic (and magnetic Paladin, Hunter, and Warrior vary drastically in their play style).