Anyone care to share their ranked ladder stats so far?

What I experience has proven to be significantly different than what is shown on the match data rollup websites. I would like to compare with others to see whether others’ player pool and matchup results are also. A simple % of games and win:loss ratio is enough.

% of games my Warlock my DH (sum of 5 decks)
vs D. Hunter 12% 1:4 10:6
vs Druid 8% 0:1 8:4
vs Hunter 10% 0:1 5:10
vs Mage 12% 1:2 7:10
vs Paladin 10% 1:4 3:8
vs Priest 15% 1:2 10:13
vs Rogue 10% 3:0 6:7
vs Shaman 5% 2:0 3:4
vs Warlock 7% 1:1 1:8
vs Warrior 12% 0:1 9:10

Note: For comparison, these results record the ranked ladder climb where these decks cumulatively have stalled at the P10 floor, reaching no higher than P9. None of the six decks alternated are netdecks.


Reached legend

With Tempo Warrior

41% of the games against were against DH with a 80% winrate
Mostly positive winrate across the board
Worst matchups were
Shaman which i faced 3 times and lost 2
Priest which i faced 6% of the time and had 50% winrate

With Highlander Mage
I faced Priest 60% of the time and had a 100% winrate

Worst matchup
Warrior which i faced 7% of the time and had a 39% win rate

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Thank you for volunteering very interesting facts.

As a legendary player your matchups pocket is assumedly distinct from a platinum player. I wonder if that very high percent of Demon Hunter is only to climb with. That tells me that players in your corner of the ranked ladder have high confidence in DH despite the nerfs. At least now. That might change if those players do not achieve legendary according to their expectations.

I also find it interesting that your stats show impressive dominance against the array of classes, though at a loss against the class mirror; whereas my stats are opposite, strong against the class mirror while weak against most other classes.

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To be honest there is kind off this trifecta of classes which are Warrior, DH and Priest. DH can beat priest, Warrior demolishes DH and Priest can sometimes beat warrior.

The main decks you will see as you go higher will be those three but mainly DH and warrior.

Warrior is the best deck in the game by far however it is extremely skill intensive hence why on HS Replay the stats are pretty bad but demon hunter is very strong and easy to play which is why alot of people still play it.


When it comes to class distribution, I found that it’s only true for the first few matches I play. After 200+ games my statistics ressemble the one displayed by hrs. Obviously the numbers can’t be 100% equal, since the meta still changes and depending of what time at the month, aggro classes are more prevalent, and I play more in periods, some days I don’t play much, perhaps even for weeks.

When I go home later, sure, I’ll share.

At one point my win rate was over 58% with priest. And over 60% vs DH and Warlock. But it’s gotten worse as people started optimizing their decks.

So that what I typed above was my experience in April, going into May. Here’s my statistics for June:

I played Priest some for a while, but ended up switching to Mage.

I don’t really know how to make a chart like you did, but here’s my results:

As Priest, vs:

DH: 12-11
Druid: 6-5
Hunter: 6-5
Mage: 2-2
Paladin: 5-1
Priest: 3-3
Rogue: 3-2
Shaman: 5-1
Warlock: 3-3
Warrior: 7-8
TOTAL: 52-41

I was doing really good at first, mind you, but a bunch of losses to Warriors all at once kind of irked me and I stopped playing. Warrior was my ONLY bad matchup. That’s when I switched to Mage where, spoiler alert, I did a LOT better…

Mage, vs:

DH: 15-12
Druid: 5-1
Hunter: 9-4
Mage: 19-4
Paladin: 5-2
Priest: 11-6
Rogue: 12-7
Shaman: 6-1
Warlock: 8-2
Warrior: 8-6
TOTAL: 98-45

AMAZING with Mage. Carried me like crazy. I feel like a good priest player, and love playing priest, but Mage just feels like a better priest right now. They have just as mean removal/answer tools, and then much more on top of it.

I had no negative matchups, and my 2nd worse was DH which was 15-12. Pretty nuts.

Instead of share my stats I’ll just say they suck lol. Idk but I’m getting my a$$ handed to me this season. Still not even at D5 and I have hit D5 or rank 5 in the old system consistently. Just been bad first week for me so far. Been climbing with rogue and warrior.

I don’t care how skill intensive warrior is… You get bad draw it’s bad draw and the last handful of games I’ve felt like I’m praying for the card I need and not getting a decent opening and finding myself paying for it later. But I’ll keep pushing on. Never give up and never surrender lol.

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You are making Shaman players wish they didn’t. Great Job. I hope your success continues through July. One question. What made your winrate 82.6% in Mage v Mage games?

I like to think it’s my deck has less RNG than other mage decks. I actually never put box in there, only had Solarium Prime in briefly then took out and replaced with Ooze. And I oddly saw a lot of mages which opted to use the quest, which is worse than the Reno hero power imo even if it IS less RNG-heavy. Idk if there was some pro player using quest that I didn’t know about because I know how people jump on bandwagons and stuff but I don’t netdeck and just play what seems to work best for me.

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I played Stealth Galakrond Rogue last month, with Scheme tech. Reached legend and kept climbing there till the month was over.

DH 41-38
Druid 30-21
Hunter 31-17
Mage 18-18
Paladin 16-7
Priest 32-24
Rogue 32-18
Shaman 8-3
Warlock 10-12
Warrior 24-15

Allround 59%. Was most surprised by how good the result vs warrior was.

I am most surprised by your score versus Hunter.

This month feels like the start of new expansion using the same cards. All the same matches feel different. I see a lot of variants on netdecks new and old in standard. Mixtures I had not seen before.

Well I am only at like Gold-9 at the moment, only played a few. I am more like a HS tourist, playing one month a lot and then quitting again for a year.

Haven’t seen anything new yet, though I am playing my own deck at this time, it’s not working as well as I hoped yet, but the sample size is low.

If it doesnt work I don’t think Ill go legend again playing Galakrond rogue, that just feels stale. Perhaps this is also why you see new things, people like to spice things up.