And just like more Friend Requests

I would like to indirectly thank the new Report feature. Now people aren’t as quick to friend request and spam hate for fear of getting banned.

I used to get one probably every week at minimum. Nothing anymore.


Amen to that. Now when I get the random post-match request there’s a reasonable chance it’s not just abuse. I hadn’t accepted a request in months, at least now I’m open to it.


Exactly! Now I want those friend requests because no matter who it is, I can address it appropriately.


prior to the report system, I had a pretty good protocol.
I would just ignore the request for several days, and then accept.
The person being a kneejerk douche would not remember playing me, and so I have made some ok friends this way. To my credit i did not mention the request that might have allowed them to troll or whine.


I did this as well.

The only downside is that if we had a great match up and it was a TRUE friend request, we’d have forgotten the match by then so the conversation I would have liked to have wouldn’t happen.

And if it was a TOXIC friend request, now I have a toxic friend on my list I don’t remember lol


yeah, not a perfect system by any means:)


Makes you wonder why it took nine years to implement doesn’t it.


Yay for censorship!!! Report everyone for being mean when you accept a rando friend request after beating someone in a competitive CCG! No more personal accountability!!! Yay!!!

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Please, explain in detail, where the personal accountability is on MY part when I play a deck and I get a friend request from a person who is salty they lost and they start hurling insults and racial remarks that are unsportsmanlike?

What burden of accountability do I have in this and what, exactly, am I accountable for that has you so angered?


Common sense maybe? You really think that friend request from someone you just beat is sincere? If you accept it then you cant go crying to blizzard when the anonymous friend request you accepted was from someone with issues.

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So I am supposed to take responsibility of someone else being toxic based on whether or not I’m able to predict the future on how they will act? Essentially, I should take responsibility and accountability of the actions of another.

And you talk about common sense. Have you checked to make sure yours is working properly?


Lmao, what kinda of logic is that?

“I shot you, but how dare you walk around without body armor”
“I acted like a jerk and got reported, how dare you!”

And the best yet:

“I’m being censored of my ability to be a jerk in anonimity without repercussions!”


The better logic is we should be able to control other people behavior? Who decides what is toxic or hateful behavior? It cant be subjective that is for sure. If you are going to do that there need to be more detailed and concrete guidelines in place concerning conduct. You can not base it off of someone’s feelings or leave it up to another human being to interpret someone else feelings or intent. That can only be misused and applied inconsistently. The better and easier answer would be to not accept random friend requests after you beat someone.

This isn’t a well thought out argument considering this is exactly what we do in every day life. If behavior is exceedingly bad, we have prison for that.

It’s literally in the code of conduct. What you’re asking for already exists and it’s pretty clear.

It’s not based on feelings. It’s based on a code of conduct.

It’s not misused considering Blizzard has to approve of the report before taking action. Thus, they are the ultimate decider.

This really isn’t that hard.

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Hey look, another one who has no idea what censorship means.


Whatever it means is bad. It involves taking away someone else freedom of choice in order to protect someone else feelings. Learn to manage your own feelings better and you will have a much easier time in life rather than trying to get big corporations or the government to regulate everyone else behavior since you can not regulate your own feelings.

I don’t think the report feature did much.

I find that the requests were already rare but increase for a period after balance changes. I’m guessing it is angry players giving the changes a try and then being upset it wasn’t what they thought.

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Used to get that until I started ignoring requests.

Οk, I think that I may understand what you are trying to say. But let me take this way of thinking in real life and give an example which is extreme and I apologize beforehand, but I want to emphasize what’s the mentality of this thinking and where it leads.

So, there is a guy who got a gun and went to a mall and started shooting at people, noone died but the people who were there “reported” him, because they were assaulted, they got afraid, scared, sad, angry and the government / state took action, arrested him etc etc.

Now, basis above thinking, these people should not have reported him because they should respect his freedom of getting a gun and start shooting at people. Or maybe they should not go to a mall because there might be a guy who might shoot them and they should regulate their feelings instead in this regard, maybe go into cave and never have any interaction with anyone.

Even if it is a game, a forum, social media, whateva, there should be controls. Even if you are “smart” and you do not accept a friend request after winning a battle, there might be others who will accept this friend request just because they are new to this game, don’t know, to be honest I do not care for what reason they may accept this request.
If they are being assaulted, threatened, intimidated etc online, they should at least have the option to report it my friend. Ignoring them (the “toxic” ones) creates a bigger problem, if they don’t have power over you they will have power/consequences to someone weaker.

Respect and protection of life are the fundamentals in a society and internet (sites, forums, say it as you wish) is a society. Even if you were living in a free society (without corpos / governments), you would still have guidelines, have controls, have laws.

The thing is that we are in a point that somebody sends a friend request just to start yelling, threatening, etc. We shouldn’t be at this point but we are and this goes a lot deeper. But I am not willing to elaborate here, I have already written enough.


I haven’t logged in since this came out apparently. What’s the new feature?