An Update on Demon Hunter

they are doing it to appease the loud minority because they think that they are the ones who put money into the game…when they arent. its the typical response now adays

seems like it yeah as far as iv seen

Is not not enought OMG u break the game

not a matter of salt, its a matter of ppl being fed up with company not thinking and properly testing things before releasing, ppl spend money/time on decks then they ruin the decks just to appease the casual player who didnt want to have to think

I’m just joking around.

from all i can tell, this nerf was to appease casuals, because they knew the other players who have stuck around would spend more money to be able to build new decks. from a business standpoint the nerf was brilliant, but from a playerbase standpoint it was horrible

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Sure. Just nerf all of the decent cards for DH. Heck just take away their hero power. Right, y’all? Y’all are complaining and moaning so much, yet when patron warrior was op, how long did it take for that to get nerfed? Or any other of the op decks for that matter?

At least they had some time in the sun…from day 1 DH goes up on the chopping block, and everyone is still out for blood. It’s like you’re all a bunch of sharks that caught the scent of a drop of blood in the water a half mile away…sheesh.

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well look at it this way, patron warrior required you to spend money on the xpansion, dh doesnt, no reason for them to nerf something thats bringing in money, plenty of reason to nerf something thats basically free

Not nearly enough.

Just played against a DH who killed my board of a 5/5 and a 6/6 on turn 4 and not only that, he dealed 6 damage to my face same turn.


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i mean a priest can do that with their new card, its not that uncommon now to clear boards early on, thats no excuse

Can we talk about how Kayn Sunfury doesn’t care that you just spent 9 mana worth of taunt creatures? Does that seem reasonable to anyone? Why does it make every other minion not care as well? 4 mana deal however much power you have on the board to the face. Then stick around for the opponent to deal with. A bad joke is the only way i can describe the card.

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We’re not your beta testers. Reset arena and probably refund all arena runs since expansion launch.

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they really aren’t, the 3/1 naga is only good with those summon rush cards so it is dead until you draw them , and then once you draw them you still spend all your mana and only barely clear their board then have some 1 health minions so your opponent can clear them easily
i already cut the naga and the summon 6 because they just weren’t good enough

he is a 3/5…unless you let them build up a huge board of high damage minions he doesnt impact that much, id say 1/3 to maybe 1/2 of the dh decks that ppl were complaining about didnt even run him lol

All bad decisions are made by incompetent people

Please carry on nerfing, this stupid DH is still way too OP.

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Ye but druid dont clear ur board every turn and still has fuel in his hand.

you are gonna get a full dust refund, meaning all the cards you crafted were essentially free, plus all the ones you pulled from packs

  • Skull of Gul’dan – Mana cost increased from 5 to 6. - Not enough. Put it at 7 mana OR change discount to 2 instead of 3.
  • Imprisoned Antaen – Mana cost increased from 5 to 6. - Not enough. Put it at 7 mana OR reduce the damage dealt when it awakens to 5.
  • Eye Beam – Outcast Mana cost increased from 0 to 1. - OK
  • Aldrachi Warblades – Durability decreased from 3 to 2. - OK

Other cards that need to be addressed:
Priestess - Put it at 8 mana.
Battlefiend - Make it a 1/2 or 2/1.
Twin Slice - Put it at 1 mana.
Mana Burn - Put it at 2 mana.


“Update on demon hunter”: Still broken.