An Update on Demon Hunter

spell mage is the new version of mage with all spells and maybe the reno class card, no minions

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That was also my point (and I hated Galakrond Shaman). But to go from being OP to bottom of the barrel was not a good idea no matter how you slice it. There is got to be a happy medium and I think they are trying to do that with DH (given the careful nerfs).

thats exactly my question right now lmfao

Played against a bunch of DHs after the nerfs and figured I’d give some quick personal insight.

  • Skull of Gul’dan is still really powerful, but not quite as oppressive when it was 1-mana cheaper. Still worth keeping an eye on, but overall the nerf has affected the power level of the card.
  • Imprisoned Antaen is basically just as strong at 6-mana. I think this card needs more of a change than costing one more mana. The high burst and huge body it leaves behind are still an issue, even if it comes a turn later.
  • Eye Beam is still very versatile and an overall strong card, but the fact that it can no longer be cast for free via Outcast is a big deal. This nerf was basically the exact change a lot of players were asking for with this card.
  • Aldrachi Warblades was providing a lot of healing to DHs for 3-mana. Tuning the weapon down to 2 durability makes it feel a lot more balanced. It’s still worth running, but the lack of a third swing is a noticeable downgrade.

i totally agree with you man, it was to OP, but to make it absolute trash, its just not the answer


that deck type has so little support i thought it had to be something else

hopefully they dont just straight up ruin demon hunter, iv had alot of fun playing Firebat’s Highlander demon hunter so far

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it works pretty well with some of the new ashes cards for generating minions

they are already talking about nerfing the rest of the mainline dh cards as is…so yeah they are most likely killing the class just as it came out since its free

its a shame, i used all the rest of my dust to craft the cards needed for firebats highlander demon hunter, now to see how it MIGHT end up im scared i wasted my dust for nothing

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A really fun and interesting class that can’t see any play on ladder because you either have to play Demon Hunter or try to counter Demon Hunter or you lose every game.


I also enjoyed it. Best fun I had in a long time. The Outcast mechanic also really makes you think about play strategy.

Let me atleast say this, when Galakrond shaman came out it was to OP obviously it had more then a 70% win rate and i played it myself and i won almost every match, but with demon hunter i lose a decent amount, i still win most of the time but usually i dont even get to use skull of gul’dan because as a highlander deck i only run one of each card, now i understand the nerfs now, i accept that atleast, but i hope they dont ruin the class in the future, because its not “unstoppable” its definitely defeatable, just like priest and warlock is, also i think the nerfs they do are so dumb, all they do for cards is increase the cost, unless its a weapon in which they decrease the durability, and when i saw that ancharrrr was nerfed i literally laughed, A LEGENDARY WEAPON WENT FROM A 2/3 TO A 2/2. You might as well make the card a epic at that point, and the deck wasent even THAT good, they ruined pirate warrior and made it so Galakrond warrior was stronger, in my opinion its just a cash grab, make a strong deck/class, sell as many pre-orders as they can, and then nerf the ever living sh1t out of it, its sad, and it makes me never want to play the game again, WHY HEARTHSTONE WHYYYYYY

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but see…you used ur dust to make a deck and now they are gonna kill it so you have to buy packs…cash grab anyone? i bought the pre-order because i saw a new class that might spice up the game and make it so it was fun again then this happens…teaches me to ever trust putting money into hearthstone again


man i totally agree with ya, its bs and i dont understand why hearthstone is doing this, i dont care if i have to pay more money for pre-orders just stop RUINING CLASSES

Can you please fix baku DH already?

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I get you want to balance DH, but these changes have neutered it.

multi billion dollar company can’t hire people to beta test?What a joke smfh

Ok, but can you please edit the text on the Eye Beam card to reflect the new mana cost? It still says that with outcast it costs 0 mana, even though it no longer does!

I can just TASTE the amount of salt coming from all 160~ posts in this thread.

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