An Acquired Taste achievement

The achievement for hunter does not progress at all after 23.2 patch (stucks on 19/30 for me), even with Urchin Spines and without Slate.


Yes, I’m too. 33/60 for me.

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Here also. 2/60 :frowning: Would be nice to be able to work on my achievements

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Can confirm, not working, I’m at 0 after killing several minions

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34/60 for me, so sad

Hello. Same bug too.

Just adding: same bug here.

9/60, just killed 14 minions last game T.T

42/60 pepehands! Glad its not just me.

Fix the g*dd**n achievement BUG bliz!!
How the F can you messed up Standard coding when you update content for BG huh? Is this an indie company btw? You can’t pay anyone to tidying up your own code huh?

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You expect us to wait until 1 more months until miniset to fix this one until it’s too late to get that bonus XP huh?
Are you guys really that deaf?

Cariel hero card was more than 90 days to fix

Same problem here. sadly the only achievement I haven’t finished and stuck at 1/60…

It would be nice if it was at least acknowledged that they know about it and are working on fixing it in a future patch

It’s been like that for a while. Every expansion some Achievements don’t work. They like to update Battlegrounds and Mercenarys but not fixing bugs.