All the changes to cards and it only made things worse

DH is back with a vengence, Warriors are even stronger, DK’s are the same, Shaman is stronger, Mages are weaker, Druids are weaker, Priests are the same.

You did NOTHING, I mean how pathetic do you have to be to change that many cards and make the already OP classes even MORE op with the changes?

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Are they really? Are they using Inventor Boom? I’ve been trying to decide if I want to craft it

Yes reno warrior in a good spot now, here’s why:

  • “Nerf” to reno: now it can’t be countered by plagues
  • Nerf to wheel, forge and reno: another natural counter of reno warrior gone
    But have to beware of nerf to warrior’s spells like sanitize and the summon 5 1/1 card, you become more vulnerable to aggro (but still not bad) and you have less unfavorable matchup in this meta. So it’s a more well-rounded deck now.
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I like well-rounded decks. I like feeling like I am not cheating out wins with a deck that everyone hates, but I also don’t like trying to win with a deck that is garbage. I probably spend too much time on the forums instead of just playing the game

They probably think it’s profitable to them to support Warriors. They were brutal for multiple months now. E.g. it was impossible to play a Paladin for the entirety of the second half of Badlands because Warriors had a board clear every single round; it’s absurd that they still do that; they are practically God-like against ANY board with minions of low health [and no reborns like Saddle Up!].