AI only going face since last patch

I’m pretty much an exclusive dungeon runner. The “Face Only” AI has made them unfun.

On the plus side, if you want to rack up a ton of dungeon run completions, now is the time.


I’m terrible at the runs, so I’m happy I was able to snatch up some cardbacks. lol. I do hope it eventually gets fixed, though.


I’ve tried to take advantage of this but I still keep dying to waxmancer sturmi lol

I play the dungeon runs alot to kill time so I can confirm that the AI is far dumber than normal. Only going face, not knowing how to use their cards/hero power as well as they used to. I know dungeon runs are kinda abandoned (which is sad considering they’re the most fun content), but this ai bug really ruins the fun of the game so hopefully they can fix it soon.


This. The AI is literally casting spells to harm their own minions when only I benefit.

This reminds me of old games that had an “easy” mode where they’d purposely make the AI as dumb as it could get so you could be handed victory.

This is the worst I’ve seen the AI from Hearthstone.

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See also:

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It is affecting the “Expert” mode practice AI (Innkeeper). On normal mode, however, it isn’t.

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It has for me. I use it all the time to try and get the hang of new decks, and I definitely see a change. The AI just hits face. It’ll even equip a weapon to hit the face instead of playing minions. It even buffs my minions with spells once it runs out of damage spells and weapons. It’s kind of funny, to be honest.

Also affects Dalaran Heist single player. Has made Hearthstone very boring. Fortunately I still have Civilizations VI to play :).

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Yep - it’s definitely a thing. Looks like going face is the new Expert Mode. Bug or an attempt to kick people out of practice mode and into real game play? Don’t play enough HS to really care.

Same here. All singleplayer content I’ve tried has this same issue where the opponent just targets face.

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Yes I was searching if anyone else had this. I’m doing solo adventures book of heroes and its basically impossible to do last challenge for Illidan. AI just keeps pounding face

this is such b.s I, I can’t even do some solo stuff because for example with Toki in Witchwood the mobs she comes up against in the 1st and 2nd bosses have low cost minions with high attack?? I mean I’m at 10hp and the boss has put down a 3 card with 4attack and 3 HP and then next turn its a 4/4? what!

this would be fine if the AI didn’t just go face.

Yes this is 100% true and a bug. I love the Dalaran & Kobold runs and the AI always goes face now even if it makes 0 sense to do so.

Please fix this Blizzard!! I even saw that reddit had their own forums for this same topic, is affecting a lot of people’s experience.

I am an exclusively “dungeon runner” and this has been extremely frustrating. I can confirm that in solo dungeon run like mode, the AI only goes face. It won’t kill your key minions, it won’t trade efficiently, it’s only goes face. The only time that the AI does not attack my face is when I have a Taunt minion, the minion summoned has Rush, or my hero is immune. I really hope they fix this soon.

Also @blizzard, I would absolutely love a new dungeon run. The Dalaran heist was my absolute favorite.

Thank you

Same thing for me, AI only go face in all the singleplayer contents. I hope it can be fixed soon because it ruins the fun and i love all the singleplayer adventures !

Along with always going face I’ve also noticed, in Dalaran Heist anyway, that the AI will rarely use their hero power (unless it must) and only if it has no other options (it’ll play all the cards in hand before even using the Hero power - not like it was before).

This bug is truly the worst ever!!!
Hearthstone like this makes it unplayable.

I hope to get feedback as soon as possible.

Yup, made a post several weeks ago with the same topic, the AI in expert just is beyond stupid right now. Only going face unless a taunt is in the way, using coin/innervate just for the sake of using it up. Just checked, Novice AI plays normal, looks like just Dungeon Runs and Expert AI need fixing.

As of the most recent patch, the AI has been fixed. No more face-only strategies.