Again a Problematic Mana Cheat Card!

That is not a mana cheat card by any stretch. It takes time to payoff and can be actively avoided or stopped.

That card reminds me of Dreampetal Florist. It saw play when UI and plague and ramp was a thing, but now that it’s by itself it’s doing nothing.

I can see this card doing some interesting things like discounting a king krush so you can faceless it on the same turn but that would be more of a meme deck since hunter doesn’t have enough draw etc. to support a combo deck (especially without master’s call drawing 3).

More realistically the best use I can see for this card is putting it in beast hunter and hope it discounts your tundra rhino so you can really pop off with damage later. But you would need to manipulate your hand, and probably still draw in the right order, so I can’t see it being on the same level as other mana cheat cards like corridor creeper or mountain/sea giant by any means.

Is it really cheating if it doesn’t have taunt?

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And we need combos at that level.

Sorry I not like to play/watch CW mirrors going until turn 45 draws.

Just face the fact that OTK is a important part of the game or quit.

I have no patience to people whining about game winning combos after the metagame we experienced.
A control deck running rampant without a really hard counter is just awful.

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I don’t think the new 6 mana 5/5 reduce a random beast card by 5 will be that good. Lots of Hunter’s better early game is beast centric so you are giving up early game to play a 6 mana 5/5 mid to late game to maybe wombo combo. Good luck surviving long enough to make it happen. Hunter typically doesn’t defend that well and leverages its beast synergies and board keep the game manageable and push face. Good luck going late giving up on that so you can play your 6 mana 5/5 to do things. Card seems fine as there seems to be adequate risk for the payoff.

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your post isnt clear enough about it
i cant figure out what are you talking about
which combos with a card decreasing costs at random beast worry you so much ?

did you forget to post about it
dont have anything to post ?

Well "Draw the Rest of Your deck is a cheat card.


Well you know how the cards are stacked in your deck. You don’t want the last 10 cards because you know those are useless. As A Rogue you know your second Waggle Pick is on the way along with 2x Weapon Poison and Eviscerate. So if you find yourself in a pickle or low on cards - draw the rest of you deck and do 15 dmg at least the next round. Game is over turn 9.

All because one knows how the cards are aligned in the deck every game.

If you are playing a CW that last til turn “45”, don’t you only have yourself to blame since you most likely playing a control deck too, or like you said it, a CW mirror. So why are you complaining. If you don’t like long matches go play midrange/tempo/agro and concede early if you lose too much steam against warrior.

It’s dumb for sure but if you can drop this at six Mana then you’re likely in a game vs warrior (or priest I guess) and it doesn’t matter what you play and when.

I dunno, id say even scoring a free 3 drop beside a 5/5 is pretty okay. Typically you could average hitting a 4 drop or higher. Excluding combo shenanigans…just tempoing this out beside a 5 drop is really strong.

Trouble is, to make that consistent youve gotta add a slight shift in your deck curve to enable it. Mid range probably can.

Myself, i have shenanigans to perform.

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Except CW is literally one of three decks to beat at this metagame and little to no decks can really adapt to it’s presence.

While turn 45 only happens in mirror it is also a fact that it punishes you for actually try to play the game.
It is so much removal that you just play stuff and hope it not drew one of the most impactfull ones like brawl.

There is no thinking involved in both at play with and against such game plan unless you can get as greedy as it or use a combo win condition(the second unviable at standard ATM).

If someone is allowed to play a control deck like the actual control warrior that same person should be allowed to play against OTK decks. Because they are two sides of the same coin when we talk about strategies that feel bad to play with and against.

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I get what you mean. I just don’t like it when ppl use the argument that they don’t like long games. Because they can always concede early as an agro deck or if they are playing control themselves, they shouldn’t mind long games.

I’m just a bit passive aggressive because I mainly play wild, so I would LOVE to see more control decks like warriors so I can eat them alive with Reno hunter. But wild is just degenerate BS nowadays with big priest and quest miracle mage.

1 mana 5/5 if u discount something for 5. Hunters get the good stuff!

Learn reading!

I sayd it has the potential.

Still waiting a (Non Hunter) Midrange format.

i did but still no card combos or any play you could consistenly pull with the card

so no idea what has you worried
when i read several possible combos with bees the druid card i posted a link to it because some looked a bit too strong

but on your OP there is nothing
not even combos found on anther site or thread here

Well literally whatever combo you can think with a discounted king krush and there are a lot of OTK to happen.

With that said in a world were CW actual version is allowed to exist OTK is acceptable.

No combos?? Are you kidding me?

Epic · Minion · Saviors of Uldum · Battlecry: Reduce the Cost of a random Beast in your hand by (5).


Legendary · Minion · Classic · Charge


Epic · Minion · Saviors of Uldum · Battlecry: Reduce the Cost of a random Beast in your hand by (5).


Legendary · Minion · Rastakhan


Legendary · Minion · Classic · Charge

in 1 turn possible!!


Epic · Minion · Saviors of Uldum · Battlecry: Reduce the Cost of a random Beast in your hand by (5).


Common · Minion · Rastakhan


And this are only the diretlcy combos in the first turn. You can do alot more complex ones if you hold the discountet card.

So plz dont tell me ther are no combos.

Scarlet webweaver reducing the cost of beasts isn’t a combo though. That’s literally just what the card does. Not to mention “you can webweaver into oondasta into King Crush in one Turn!!1!!!11!!” is kind of a moot point because you could already play Oondasta into Krush. The only difference here is that you get a heavily discounted 5/5.

I’m not saying this isn’t powerful or that it doesn’t have the potential to break something (see: Dreampetal Florist and every Druid Combo deck pre-rotation), but Boreas’s statement stands. In Standard at least, there aren’t any apparent and consistent enough OTK-ish combos that can be pulled off using this card.

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You see:
You are using logic.
And you have good arguments.

But I disagree.

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