AFK players (bots) farming honor?

More than usual number of players who play no cards and just let the timer burn. All with very high Honor ranks. All in the mid- bronze levels. Seems like an oversight on the part of Blizzard to allow players who take no actions during a game get honor points.

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Yeah, this was 100% expected: people want all the rewards and 7200 total honor is a LOT, so people AFK.

It won’t actually matter much to the Horde vs Alliance competition though. Vs the same faction they put their faction ahead by 30 points (10 from the AFKer plus 20 from the enemy), vs the opposite faction they put their faction behind by 30 points (10 from the AFKer, minus 40 from the enemy).


Speaking of bad choices, they also decided to not give honor ro people who play in casual.

I have to admit I am one of the people who starts games AFK to farm honor, I even made a warlock to do it faster when I have time to “play” :joy:
When I play normally, if I am against an opponent of my same faction, I let it win to end the game as soon as possible; I prefer to queue up against the enemy’s faction for obvious reasons.

It’s not like the match will be harder: an alliance pirate warrior is the same as an horde pirate warrior last time I checked :joy:

Honor should have had a tie in to the rewards track. Its a good concept of giving players visible accredations but when you can simpley farm the honor points then the badges mean little.

there should have been more substance behind the honor like completing tasks that all players can complete like listed o nthe rewards track.

maybe it will be moded like everything else

Bring on the bots for me. It might be slower, but I like the guaranteed win and a chance to maybe do a weird achievement that I can manipulate myself.

That’s a really good point. I tend to ignore the achievements because most of them give you nothing. But the ones that give reward track points and such, I could work on the ones I’ll never focus on otherwise.

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Well the achievment idea is cool, but it would limit some people, as many of them are connected with legendaries, especially F2P players would struggle. So it would have to be really friendly (something like 30% of the track to finish it?)

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7200 is way to much honour, to be expected imo

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