About paladin popularity

Ok let’s face it if a deck is so popular is also effective and ofc am talking for the paladin class with 3 diferent decks in the ladder , from diamond 3 till legend and in legend all the way you literally find 7 out of 10 games paladin and the other 3 is typically rogue or some warrior . For real stop looking the other way and tune paladin down as you did for demon hunter. Before the nerfs dh and shaman was the only classes to face against , after the nerfs is just pally everwhere . Just put an end to this madness . Libram paladin has been too good for so long .


I hate the deck as much as anyone but without it it will be Roguestone. It will be hideous

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Rogue has a good matchup against Paladin though. Rogue also wasn’t touched enough with the Edwin change. The class deserves another change to Secret Passage at the very least. Or multiple adjustments across the board.

Then not just Warrior but aggro can keep Rogue in check too.

Paladin adjustments are long overdue.


Paladin was garbage for like the entire year of 2020 let it have it’s time. I rather face libram pally than play aggrostone with DH


Am not asking for annihilation of the class just some reasonable nerfs , i know that paladin indeed was unplayable for almost the entire 2020 no arguing on that (started seeing play from october 2020 ) , but still is too much popularity the deck is too solid . Good early mid game and even better late game , the only downside is his card draw and even that is questionable . They have no excuse avoiding pally nerfs .

Actually you’re asking for anything except for being reasonable


Disagree. Rogue’s fine and doesn’t need any foreseeable changes. Rogue’s matchups against paladin are very deck-dependent. Aggro can already keep rogue in check, they can do nothing against token druid or a good start zoo.

You nerf rogue any more, and they’ll be struggling hard until 2021 classic rework. Their matchup spread is fairly balanced, unlike lot of other classes.

I mostly play Rogue and I have to admit that Nitroboost Poison likely needs to be tuned. The insane power creep of this card as compared to my BB Tinker’s Sharpsword Oil is kind of laughable.

EDIT: This would be for Rogue and Warrior.


Nitroboost Poison hasn’t struck out as broken to me. It’s merely ‘great’, on par with a lot of the stuff other classes have but far from the top-most cards.

There’s a few reasons to this, and they’re not entirely dependent on the card itself. To sum it up, though, I’d say rogue is somewhat ‘fair’ at the moment, in comparison with other top 5 classes.

What healthy matchup spread? Whirlkick is still good against every deck that isn’t a Warrior one. Mainly because Secret Passage is the actual nitro of Rogue, still a turbo busted card.

Or the rng fiesta that is Evolve Shaman

I suspect whirlkick will keep rising again above aggro/sealth/weapon kind of like last exapc. It’s just far more consistent and the RNG-discover-fiesta can get you out of almost any situation. Pally pulls Murlocs on t5? Say hello to some created by frost novas and kharhut, friend.

Whirlkick is by far the best Rogue deck and it’s still incredibly easy to build-a-Questing lmao. As the card’s stats in legend show. The lolrandom answers to follow and literally endless refuel are just a cherry on top.

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Well from d3 till legend and all the way in legend is literally pallystone so please spare me . D3 till d1 was 6 out of 10 games , in legend is 9 out of 10 . No (weak or balanced) deck has such popularity at that high ladder stages . If you like paladin that’s a whole diferent story . I did played a lot dh i like it but i know the nerfs was necessary. I dont involve my feeling or taste for a class .This pally reign must come to an end . A reasonable human btw .

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So this is the Paladin VS Rogue thread? How about we wait a few days.

Whirlkick Rogue didn’t get a new card in Races, so it isn’t as relatively strong against the field. And in any case Whirlkick and Edwin are going to Wild in 2 months.

As far as Paladin, the Ramp deck also goes to Wild in 2 months.

Paladin wasn’t nerfed and got more firepower, that’s what u can expect when something like this happens.

Warrior and palain are playing their own game while the other classes fight for the rest.

And most people literally understood that this list exists a few days ago.

Many only today.

Everyone who has access to it is checking and also any reaction from the general meta needs the deck to first to actually be part of it.

In other words before even understand if it is really that powerfull people need to play “pallystone” some days liking it or not.

I sure that for many it’s actually refreshing that powerfull decks like this one were yet to be seen rather than whine about some new deck gaining popularity.

Let people actually try it and also try to win against it before deciding if it is “too powerful”.

Maybe even let it lead us to a new metagame with some decks dying and others gaining traction because of it.


Mate i actually have positive win rate against pally with mage and my version of midrange/aggroish dh . Around 52% . The point is that am actually locked on those 2 decks like the vast majority of players was on dh era . So why when dh were so popular with around the same winrate got nerfed but suddenly pally is fine . And please dont bring the same excuse as everyone does about the unpopularity paladin used to have . That was 4 months ago please let’s move on .

Loving how Pally has gone from garbage one day to “needs to be tuned down” the next.

I say good. Pally uses mostly cards that start in the deck, and very little discovery effects. Much more annoying losing to Rogue or Priests and their unlimited card generation, or Warlocks who are currently healing more than Priests with insane board/card removal. Or getting rushed down by DH.

If you can’t handle Pally dominating the meta for a while, you can’t handle Hearthstone. There isn’t a class who can dominate the ladder any fairer.

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entire year of 2020 ? When did librams came out ?

because i’m pretty sure they’ve been around and strong for a long time now.

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