A massive bug with "Hunting Party" card

Hi there.

I was playing today with Hunter and I found a bug with “Hunting Party”. When the card copy a beast affected by “Dire Frenzy”, the copy regain the +3/+3 buff.
I originally had a copy of “Shimmerfly” that got the “Dire Frenzy” buff and was a 4/4, but the copy created by “Hunting Party” was a 7/7 instead a 4/4, apparently that copy regained the buff of “Dire Frenzy”.
That bug happened to me on a game and after that I replicated it playing against the innkeeper.
I hope u can hotfix this quickly because this bug can be easily exploited.

Thank you for the report. I was able to reproduce this issue and have sent it for further investigation.


I also had the exact same thing happen to me as well

i hope the fix corridor creeper copy not copying the discount too

Works with Emeriss buff, and Zul’jin reapplies the buffs. I had a 3000 damage Stonetusk Boar with this nuttiness. (Please, please, please be “working as intended.” :wink: )