A demonstration of how broken hearthstone is currently

if you had spend $300 in the past you probably have a decent base of cards. Just doing dailies alone and casual playing can easily give you 10k gold between expansion. Thats about 5 legendary and all common and rare. It should give you enough base and just craft 1 or 2 cards needed for whatever meta deck there are.

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In summary:

“Wah I’m playing a CCG and someone did something I didn’t like so the game is BROKEN!”


Clearly you’ve never played MTG, where in some formats most games are over by turn 3 or 4 with a 60 card deck.


i think he won because you were using a gimmick deck you made for fun

those arent known for being competitive

That is just stupid. You’re speaking like losing is inevitable, which it isn’t.
The other cards not meant for the combo are for card draw and control purposes, the skill involved is to use them wisely in order to safely draw your combo.
Destroying your opponents deck is too slow of a counter since combo decks tend to draw too fast. But warlock has one of the best anti combo cards ever made: Demonic Project.
Using both destroy the deck and Demonic Project would be an amazing anti combo deck. Could even throw in Gnomeferatu for even stronger anti-combo potential.
You lost because you didn’t have any backup plan to “destroy your opponents deck”. Rin is commonly used in Control mirrors and is where she shines the most, not against OTK.

Personally I find hunter and mage facedecks to be the worst thing in Hearthstone.

Indeed. These posts remind me of those high school teenagers that get mad at their crush because they got rejected. Really kids, everything’s going to be fine. All this frustration won’t matter in a couple of years, so really, just move on. Life’s beautiful.

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Blizzard themselves have mentioned nerfing decks, not because they are OP, but becuase they are unfun to play against. Yet time and time again, they roll over themselves. Remember the OG Leeroy Nerf? Not fun having X amount of burst from hand? Now we live in a world where OTK rules. Remember when they HOF’d Cold light because mill was not a fun decks to play against? Then they print florist and Togg? Why mill 1 to 2 cards a turn when you can effectively mill half a deck right away.

Both OP’s are right. However the OG poster is more right. No one. No one likes to play against OTK decks. The burn them out before they kill you is not fun. If my deck is designed as a late game value deck, there is absolutely nothing i can meaningfully do to win. And likewise hyper-aggro vs OTK. This case of black and white doesn’t exist anywhere else in the format. As you can shift your play style mid game to counter aggro and control to a certain degree. OTK, you cannot.


He destroys his deck as well. Its a trade off.

this game is not competitive

All this conversation proves is combo decks have no real counter, blizzard need to create more dirty rat/combo killer cards.
If only they would introduce a graveyard to the game, so burnt/killed & discarded cards could be returned to reduce to amount of auto conceding once the combo has been disrupted. Hell a graveyard would make me want to play warlock more.


Except we don’t. OTK decks are (at best) Tier 2. The top decks in the game (currently) are either Hunter (Midrange/Deathrattle) or Paladin (Secret/Odd/Even).

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maybe ur prayers have been heard i have seen a lot of combo breakers in the latest revealed cards for the next expansion

Sheer probability. The game doesn’t use selective card sorting or rigged shuffling to make you win or lose. If you could absolutely prove that 100% without a doubt, Blizzard would have already made a public remark and said something like we are retracting yadda yadda.

That sort of conspiracy thinking is right upt there with lizard/human aliens, hollow earth, and the illluminati.

Everyone knows how screwed up this game is, you either play broken decks or you lose that’s the meta, that’s the game. Who even knows what vision they had for the game. I do card type quests for gold and then arena and im out, standards garbage, wilds a toilet. The newest expansion isn’t going to help either cause the theme seems to be the same as always, so while all the broken cards wash out nothing will change.


Bad design this game is ALL cards who kill FULL life enemy in ONE round … sad story!


Not sure why you think this is broken though. You have a deck thats aimed at destroying your opponents deck. Great. It worked wonders, like you said. Milled 18 cards. But was your cards really optimal at destroying your opponents Hero?

Your opponent on the other hand, had cards thats aimed at going face, or destroying your hero effectively. He did that. WIth less cards than you thought he could.

Again. I dont see the problem. Your aim/goal was different than your opponents. Both succeeded. But only one won the game.

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I tested Hunter last night. Literally had my opponent on 1 health on my 4th turn.


I absolutely agree that combo/otk decks are really annoying to deal with, but I would say that your deck is also as annoying. You mentioned how losing that way is not interactive, well losing your cards to treachery howlfiend, having your cards milled by gnomeferatu or have your entire deck blown up by azari is not fun and interactive either as there is no counter play besides silencing or transforming the rin. This mill playstyle doesnt only ruin combo/otk decks but it ruins control decks and tempo as well.


You do realize that neither Quest Rogue nor Shudderwock has been in the meta for months now right?

He’s making a point of Blizzard creating archetypes, which are so polarized against certain decks, that they warp the meta.

First Quest Rogue, which was nerfed 4 times.

Second came, Shudderwock, which even Ben Brode wanted to be shut down but was turned down. A card that in some cases broke the damn game.

I think OP’s original post is simply pointing out; some OTK decks don’t play against you, they simply play with themselves because unless they’re extremely unlike or unfavoured, as soon as they get their condition, it’s an autowin.