A "Computer Players Take Over" Function?!

 I do not get it.  Either play the game or don't.
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When you play a game on easy mode, you’re still playing it. You’re suggesting to stop playing the game, making it actually pointless.

A way of life? I’m sorry, but what the bleep? Gaming is not a way of life. It’s entertainment. And people who were lucky enough to make it a way of to make money still do so by actually playing the game, not having a bot play it for them. And if you believe that playing games means less war, then you have no idea how the world works, my friend. The people playing games have no decision in that. And actually contradicts your point, since your Original Post said:

What will you commit your energy to then if not games? Is it war? Are you planning a new war while a bot is playing Hearthstone?

Yes, a company with entertainment in the name should come up with something to remove that entertainment.

Well, seems like they already did it in the past though. You may not know but you actually have the option to disable golden cards in Arena by dragging them out of your deck once you’ve picked one. (How would a new player even get to know this, lol. Well, maybe there’s a tooltip, I actually don’t know.) But how can this be? How might someone not enjoy playing with awesome golden cards instead of bland boring normal cards. And they actually give in to that nonsensical craving? It almost seems like they believe that not everyone is entertained by the same stuff. Crazy, right?


I mean I guess you can make the argument that turning the game into a movie removes the point of it being a “game” but when you look at some other “games” like Detroit: Become Human you can see that it’s not really that clear cut. And it’s still somewhat interactive with an A.I. player in the sense that you set up like a specific scenario to see how it plays out. But of course if there would be something like a community curated mode or list of such scenarios someone might also just pick one to watch.

But here’s the thing: Even when you just watch, why would you then consider this not entertainment? It might not be what you would like to see or what you would be entertained by but I still remember some good old classic trailers like the one from Rastakhan’s Rumble and I enjoyed it very much even though it wasn’t the actual game and I “didn’t do anything” so to speak.

I guess the better question is what do you even mean then with “entertainment”?

All I can say is that I think there is an audience out there that would actually very much enjoy it. Now if that audience is big enough and if that audience would provide them enough money for them to consider it is something else. But I can see nothing that fundamentally doesn’t fit the “entertainment aspect” of the company.

And there are people who play games on the lowest graphic settings. The barbarians! Why do we tolerate these peasants who can’t appreciate pretty things?

Are you still the one playing the game, even without golden cards? Yes? What’s your point then?

Detroit: Become Human is a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure. These kind of books have been around for nearly a hundred years. The entertainment comes from choosing your path rather than reading a set story. It’s an interactive story. That’s where the entertainment comes from. Hearthstone matches doesn’t have a story. It’s playing cards, and you’re removing the “playing cards” part of it.

When it comes to games, interaction, obviously.

And that’s why they ban bots who farm xp so you get free gold, so you no longer have to spend money.

Are we seriously having this discussion?

Thanks for your input. I appreciate you.

Okay, SuddenReal. You want to be such a good guy and can’t stand others coming up with ideas to be the good guys because you want the attention, right? You must’ve had a bad upbringing then? Let’s see. AN OPTION…is…AN OPTION. There is nothing forceful about being given another option. Let’s try to answer all your questions then.

No, not by taking away the entertaining part of actually playing the game, thus, AN OPTION.

I did say that, huh? Well, some people can sit back and play games for a good huge portion of their lives; let’s say about 10-20 years? Game developers themselves are in sense playing games by playing with code and ideas and implementation if you think about it. A way of life…let’s pull up a definition. the typical pattern of behavior of a person or group. so, by way of life, I mean the typical pattern of behavior of a person or group. So say it’s a Hearthstone player’s typical pattern of behavior to go on Hearthstone once every 2 or 3 days and play Hearthstone for a few hours. Would that not be a way of life? You tell me since you’re so adamant about your insightful messages.

Gaming can definitely, 100% be seen as a way of life.

What someone (not just myself, but many people THIS IDEA could help) COULD commit their energy to is towards taking GOOD care of other people. It’s not war to give GOOD care to other people in your life. I am NOT planning a new war while a bot is playing Hearthstone. No.

I don’t know where you come from, but we don’t just try to tolerate people and refer to them as peasants for shred remarks to make ourselves feel better. We try to care for people regardless of who they are, their upbringing, or whatever, and we try our best not to refer to them with shred remarks and off-handed names to insult them, whether a joke or not.

What does it matter if they are one of the many still playing the game without golden cards? You shouldn’t butt into peoples’ private collections just to pry. Don’t pry. Even if they are one of the many still playing without golden cards (of which there would probably be at least some golden cards no matter who they were), it doesn’t mean they are less of a person. We are all equal people here. Let’s try to remember that. I won’t guess their point, but they are supporting my idea instead of just ridiculing it as you seem to be, and you also seem to be ridiculing my person as another human being, not just my idea, which makes me think that when you asked me about planning a war while bots play Hearthstone that you were actually just projecting yourself onto me in the form of inquiry.

I guess you are serious, so we got to be serious back.

Any more questions, SUDDENREAL?

P.S. You might want to refrain from shipping people into certain derogatory categories for future reference and stop being an accuser of any kind on baseless grounds. Thanks.

This is a super weird thread.

This could have been a Zoolander quote!

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Playing the game IS AN ENTERTAINMENT, not THE entertainment. Watching a cinematic can be entertainment. Watching the game played by someone else can be entertainment. Watching the game played by a computer player CAN be entertainment.

My bad, the OPTION of taking away the entertaining part of actually playing the game.

But you give them the option to not play Hearthstone for a few hours, thus taking away their way of life.

You’re the one who brought up war. And also, you could argue that taking good care of other people should be the priority, so why commit that energy to a game in the first place? If you’re not helping people in the first place but rather play a game, why would you help people if you’re not playing it?

It’s called hyperbole. If you read the comment I was quoting, you’d see the person was calling out people who prefered normal cards instead of gold card. I’ll quote you the full part so you don’t have to scroll up:

See? They’re the one insinuating there’s something wrong if you don’t want to play with golden cards.

Nothing. Show me where I said it mattered what cards they use.

Yes. Please explain to me how your suggestion is different from an (illegal) bot that farms xp to gain gold?

That’s easy, it’s a legal bot that farms xp to gain gold.

Alright, I see where this is coming from. Your creations need more time. Need more safeguards.

(Yet you’re the one that took it too far with your hyperbole.)

You accuse people of trying to farm with bots illegally. You accuse people every way up down left and right to avoid drawing suspicion to yourself looking bad, BUT WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HELP MAKE HEARTHSTONE BETTER FOR EVERYONE? People don’t have time to whine and complain for centuries! If you think just adding an option to a game is what is going to cause illegal bots and farming, then what do you PROPOSE people do to stop illegal bots and farming?

Obviously, we hit it at its source. Not from new inventions made to help people. Did you ever stop to think that MAYBE people like me just want to help people have better lives? That I want to stop people having to suffer as much? To less that suffering? Did you ever think that people can actually LOVE Hearthstone and want to keep it around in their lives? Not to see it ultimately reach that chaos break point and end? Did you ever STOP TO THINK that I wanted to preserve the Good that is Hearthstone because I genuinely love and care for this game, just as I do all the people who play it and work on it? Did you ever think at all? Or did you just forget how to think at all and just quote people over and over to make it look like their the focal point in mockery and ridicule while you play devil’s advocate? WHAT’S YOUR SOLUTION?

Nothing. I don’t work for Blizzard.

Probably not coming up with excuses to justify illegal bots and farming.

Oh, won’t somebody think of the children?

By not having it in their lives?

like you. like you’re doing right now.

apparently you don’t

by not having you in their lives. by not having drunken ragers like you in their lives that say “GET A REAL LIFE” “GET A REAL JOB” “ENJOY THE GAME FOR REAL” “PLAY FOR REAL” “REAL GAME REAL PLAYING! NO WATCHING YOURSELF! THAT’S NOT REAL” “ONLY REAL” “ONLY SUDDEN”

My point was that different people enjoy playing the game differently. I don’t think it’s that hard to understand.

That’s not necessarily true. Sure you can just see it as “playing cards” “until the game is over” or something like that. But it’s not like you’re just counting numbers and figuring out the perfect plays. The cards you play with are representing something from the “Hearthstone universe” and you could see in the same way as “Choose-Your-Own-Adventure” in that sense.

Ah, I see. This is the problem I think. Now of course you’re kinda right but at the same time you do have those Choose-Your-Own-Adventure types of games and you generally still call them “games”.

As I’ve said you may not like it but even flat-out movies are also entertainment and for people that are not too much into the actual “card playing” of Hearthstone it would be an “improvement” regarding their “entertainment”.

I mean it would just be an option also. I understand that if you’re not into that you don’t want to see Hearthstone “turning into that” but just giving people the option is totally fair in my opinion. There will still be plenty of people that like Hearthstone the way you enjoy it right now. Obviously. No reason to worry about that.

I was talking about this possible feature where they would let you create some custom scenarios to play maybe against an A.I. and maybe even just watch as the actual player will also be an A.I.

It would need a lot of resources to even implement the most simple version of that I imagine but at the same time I do think it’s very much possible. But for them it’s of course about turning a profit.

Sadly I think the audience is just not there for it. At least not yet. I for example would really love it. Although something like an A.I. player to remove any interaction is also something I personally probably wouldn’t do. But there’s no good reason against not having that as an option.

Your suggestion is bad, and you should feel bad for making it.

If you dont want to exert your energy to earn the rewards, you should definitely not be entitled to them.

Make it casual only, no rewards.

Otherwise watch your deck being played on youtube.

You absolutely should NOT be getting rewards for refusing to play the game! Period!

Yeah, you explained it very well. Thank you Rubinlibelle. It may not be everyone’s favorite option because of a fear that Hearthstone could turn into a lot of “bot games” on ladder, but that is not even really the case at all. It would only be sometimes you could just let a game play out between you and another opponent sometimes that you match against without actually playing it and letting “bots” or Computer Players (A.i?) play it instead so you can TAKE A BREAK MORE EASILY AND CONSCIOUSLY SOMETIMES and just watch your own deck be played by **something** else, since maybe you don’t have someone else to interest in your decks (and maybe find it hard to be interested in your own decks).

It WOULD be a choose your own adventure-like style. You get to choose the option, then you can see the adventure play out (sometimes).

Bad suggestions remain bad. You can defend them all you like, but its not happening.

You want the rewards, put in the effort required to EARN them.

I mean, that’s kind of what battlegrounds is , but interesting. It would have to give reduced benefits though like battlegrounds does but id prolly do it too

Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa WHOA!

Did you EVER stop to think that MAYBE SOME PEOPLE (me included) have "exert"ed themself so much in the +10 gold every 3 wins version of Hearthstone that they NEED A BREAK???

What? Is there something wrong with that?

You absolutely should not be shaming people for having good ideas to just try to help masses of people around a game you enjoy just to limit peoples’ personal experiences to your own myopic view point. There is a reason I have been talking about this idea and I think it is good because it gives another really cool option. Some people can have other interests than just straight up engaging in the overstimulated game all the time with EVERY SINGLE GAME they play.

That a YOU issue. If you need a break, take one. You should NOT be rewarded for doing so!

Your idea is NOT good, its bad. Especially if, as you stated, you would expect to rewarded for NOT playing the game in the process equally to those who actually DO play the game.

Too bad, so sad.
YOur suggestion ios bad, and will always be bad, for ranked/constructed.

You want to watch HS being played? Twitch and youtube exist.