90% of my games today are against random letter names

All play the same cards, low cards.
What is going on here?

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Welcome to BotStone.


Hey at least they’re using a miniatureize card now!.. Doesn’t look like they ever run any spells for him but at least they got a new act in the comedy routine.

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Always seems to start in silver and/or a week or so into the month. Always. I still think they are Blizzard bots to boost low mmr player win rate back to ~50% and keep them playing. I know Blizzard claimed there would be no more bots in standard. I believe I played real players for a day, maybe two, because I lost nearly all games, but then the low/bad deck spam bots came back. After all, they never claimed their Standard bots would be removed permanently…
I’ve begun reporting every single one of these decks as bots. What else are we supposed to do to actually get interesting games? Sick of seeing the 5/5 stealth tiger.


One thing about these bots is they play very nonsensical.
They don’t bother to use the cards battlecrys unless it happens by accident.
One hit me with their low cards on the board just now and then proceeded to play the abusive seargent after they hit me.
They do that all the time.

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Hey hey there now - the 5/5 stealth tiger is best card in their deck. I used to run that badboy in all sorts of beast hunters and it was great. It basically always traded 2for1 or connected to face. But that was a while ago before the all the recent powercreep so it’s less viable now but still fun.