74 pack 2 legendary

This is the first time I got such a low legendary drop from by pack, since most of the legendary in new expansion are dual class, I was wondering if Blizzard nerfed the drop rate by any chance?

Wondering if it’s just me or anyone else had similar luck.
Note: All my card packs are from gold not purchased and I usually get 4-5 legendaries in previous expansion fore same cost.

Based on my pack openings (8 legendaries and 29 epics in 140 packs), drop rates don’t seem lower. I’ve had better pack openings, but I’ve also had much worse ones.

Its RNG I got 5 legendaries out of 54 packs which I was very happy with

I m so sorry for you. It is realy pitty. but it is RNG. I was kind of lucky this time to, 65 pack 2 golden and 2 normal legendary.

just because of this, I stop buying pack. this is the second time that i did not buy with pre-order. the reason is, once i pay for decks, somehow i start expecting more value. althoug i know it is pure luck or RNG, i can not get this feeling. and if i m unluckly, it makes me really sad after paying 80 € for really nothing. to be honest, this time i bought 65 decks with my gold. and really did not care what i got.

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Got 3 legs in one pack.
Classic pack tho…

73 so far and 6 or 7 Legys

You’re closer to that 100g for completing your Classic collection then!

Its cold streaks, I’ve had those too. Yesterday I opened 3 packs and all had one legendary including a golden legendary. Luck swings both ways.

I got 4 out of 113 packs. So happy I didn’t pay a penny after learning my lesson several expansions back.


Yup. As someone allready mentioned. Its ups and downs. Iv been there too.

This time around though i got 6 legendaries from 52 packs. The one guaranteed in the first 10 included. One pack even had 3 epics and 1 legendary in it… No golden legendaries though.

Opened 54 so far, 2 leggos only. I don’t know if I’ll spend the rest of my gold buying more packs, waiting for the nerfs to come, because they are surely coming. Bought with gold obviously, because I don’t gamble with my money, at least not when it involves activision.

65 packs 3 leggos (all of which I didn’t want), the first guaranteed one came out on the 9th pack.

14 legs, 200 packs. GG

I’ve opened 63 packs and got 2 legs too, so you’re not the only one.

24 epic 10 legs in like 103 packs 2 golden from opened packs

i feel bad for you i opened 24 pakcs 2 legendary and 4-5 epic

5 legendaries and 10 epics in 58 packs.
Only spent gold and I still have over 11k gold left.:grinning: