28.4.1 patch nerfs

Why wasn’t there anything about wild? Totem shaman and pirate rogue are out of control. I literally just played 6 even shamen in a row. Something needs to be done about this.

Their standard Nerf don’t change anything, Aggro decks are still too powerful, they take players for idiots.

So for the Wild, you can always wait for balancing since it is already incompetent in standard.

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This got me wondering…is there any tech/hate against totems? I know there’s like Crazed Alchemist but that’s different. I mean like how murlocs have hungry crab, pirates golakka crawler, etc. Is there anything for totems? If not…maybe it’s time they print one. I’ll propose…Hungry Beaver, same as Hungry crab, Epic 1 mana 1/2 with: destroy a totem and gain +2/2

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None of thise tech cards ever get played. The chances of not encountering what its for are too high and its a wasted. Besides destroying 1 totem does nothing. The main issue with many of these aggro token decks is the aoe stat buffs. Like the 0 cost give all your totems +2 attack or life. Thise are what need to get nerfed. Even just making them cost 1 mana instead of 0 cost would help. And they should increase the mana cost of the weapon that duplicates existing totems.

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Cool, so then they will have no problem printing Hungry Beaver, and we’ll see how popular Even Shaman is once they do

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I think we all know what the problem would be


I wouldn’t mind a not less than 1 rule to thing from below and gigantotem, even for standard’s sake.

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I agree with you. That would also help substantially

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Wait 4 years…

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