3 of my last 4 games were vs paladin and I’ve lost every one of them due to this card. Grrr…
How do you nerf Yogg like that?? You could have done “it cant cost less than 5-6” or something else. Or at least dont make him bad??
The 2 random spell happening now i see him losing me games instead of helping.
Should have given him a cool ability at least after that huge nerf.
This is cruel.
Is this developers only way to make new cards look good? By destroying and making the existing good/fun ones unplayable, lame and unfun?
It’s probably just my luck but since your nerf of Yogg-Saron, his ‘random spells’ have managed to destroy him the same turn I’ve played him 98% of the time so far tonight. Now that right there is a crock!!!
The Boomsday project.
Clear Dr.Bomm,Board clear,4/4level error
Card function
Un’goro-chittering Tunneler disabler does no damage to the character
thats is exactly the reason i dusted him the day they nerfed him. Didnt even try him 1 game. The game HS “RNG” works is always 50/50 win or lose game because of the randomness.
Patch 28.0 went live. 27.6.2 is still not mentioned in the official patch notes. Thus, these changes hit me with a surprise. Even the Hearthstone Wiki does not know about this well-hidden patch. Please, post or at least MENTION the changes.
You are literally commenting on a thread from a post that you claim you can’t find.
The changes are listed with the post.
Ahmmm… No?
This is “Community Discussion” forum, and here is the official patch notes page: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/patchnotes