27.4 Known Issues

Thanks for looking into this!
Are there plans to compensate those who have rerolled this quest? (E.g. ensure they get this quest again at the next refresh)

Is your device using Android 9 cos now the hearthstone mobile client is only compatible with Android 9 devices

Symphony of Sins lost its symphony part when played.
It used to play some audio, since at least 1-2 weeks it’s gone.

As previously said, the Conductivity achievement only counts the center minion you destroy, doesn’t count the ones killed on both sides.

after playing Blightborn Tamsin (warlock questline reward), i made a 5 mana ignis weapon with “also damages adjacent minions, battlecry deal 4 damage”. every time i swung with the weapon, only the original target of my attack got hit (so, both neighbors were unscathed. almost lost the game because of it.

if it’s relevant, one of the times it occurred (my second weapon swing) i was at 4hp and i was killing a 6 attack power minion. i dont remember if on my first weapon swing i was hitting a minion that wouldve otherwise set my hp to 0 or below, but this second hit at the very least wouldve killed me if not for blightborn tamsins permanent aura. while i dont think its likely related theres some more context

Not sure if this has been posted before- haven’t seen anything in my quick search.
Unless I was missing something in my arena games, barista lynchen seems to be bugged and not generate copies of battlecry minions in hand (on iOS at least).

Nell’evento di yogg non vanno le missioni perché ho quella che dice di distruggere 4 titani ma in ogni caso non avanza e non è nemmeno una missione skippabile quindi non posso più avanzare


funziona al contrario , i titani devono morire dalla tua parte.

Barista Lynchen copies battlecry minions on the board, not those in your hand

Hello. I have question… Server down i want to change it in my phone but have only screen with endlessl enter in game and error… I dont have any buttons on screen than i can press to change server for NA. How to be? Sry for dirty eng not my native lang.

What i should do? Reinstal game? 9gb almost… :confused: also cant connect to battle net in mobile app

Good day,

Under circumstances Im unaware, apparently this card, “Crushclaw Enforcer”, where you’re supposed to play a spell to activate its “draw effect card”, apparently even if you do, it doesn’t activate. I don’t know why this happens, the only thing I can tell you is that I noticed it while playing druid with a quest.

Hope this helps!

Crushclaw enforcer’s effect is not to draw a card, but to draw a Naga. Which is of course only possible if you still have at least one Naga left in your undrawn deck.

My guess is that you had already drawn all your Naga cards and hence were unable to draw a Naga.

Flagging that it is currently impossible to complete step 4 of the Barrens ??? quest (Hunter part). This seems to be due to Snake Trap moving from Core to Legacy

The same. Windows client.
Barista Lynchen battlecry is not working

Maieve still bugs out on ios ….can’t use hero power …. Good job blizzard

Another Celestial Shot bug i just experienced. Celestial shot’s spell dmg bonus buffs the 1 mana nagas that get a 3 cost or less spell. My opponent dropped a celestial shot off twinbow and EVERY single naga included copied 1 cost naga’s spells all has +4 spell dmg. He didnt even have many spells he just abused those nagas that cast that got the all to my face quick but the buff didnt detrigger. I wonder if the new yogg tenticals would do the same.