100% rigged matchmaking!

Conversely, there is no data, small or otherwise, that substantiates your claim.

Evidence. Provide it.

Not just anecdotal, actual evidence that suggests anything other than mmr is being used in hs to find your opponent.

‘Lots of people believe it’s rigged’ is not data.

Lots of people think the earth is flat, too.

Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtfToHhv1KU

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not the believe part,
but the part where some people only meet certain deck when using certain deck.

it’s happen to people.
just look at the original poster mojo example.

when you switch deck to counter certain match up, that deck will never show up.

you guys keep ignoring this problem despite it sometimes happen but not always.


There is no problem though, only anecdotal evidence, that isn’t worth the paper its written on. My experience suggests no such rigging, so who’s is correct?

Over 500 games with my deck.
I saw the expected class representation.

So, its o YOU toconvince myself and others that something else in in use.

The potential for Blizz to rig is there, sure. I need more than anecdotes to convince me it is though.

That result is entirely within the realm of statistical variance. It’s unlucky, yes. It’s frustrating, yes. But it’s not evidence of Blizzard pulling imaginary strings.

You’re entitled to your opinion, but don’t be surprised when people refute it for lack of evidence.

Which of the following a more sound business model?

Blizzard develops a game with the intent of duping unsuspecting players into shelling out cash by rigging the system against them and hopes no one ever finds out.

Blizzard develops a game with the intent of making it enjoyable for players so they are likely to want to support the game by spending money on it.

Lest you think I’m some kind of Blizzard apologist, note that despite the fact I believe the 2nd model is correct, United in Stormwind has soured me greatly on my faith that they can balance the game correctly. There are miles of distance between ‘bad game balance’ and ‘rigged matchmaking’, however.


Because without data all you have is a theory.

So provide the data.

Ignore me all you want, but without evidence of rigging, your claim of rigging can’t be taken seriously.

what’s wrong with theory ?

this sentence is legit theory, it just you have problem and can’t read text to the point i start ignoring you.

this is my last reply if you still can’t learn to read.

also far post above i already said, i don’t have problem with it.

There is no evidence that supports it.

And evidence would exist if they were doing so.

Where is the evidence???

here is my answer before going into deep hole with swampy above.

sorry about wrong quote in the post above.
i don’t have problem with what ever really going on here.

the dude above just want to play the judge in trial and order episode.


I am the messiah.

Can you disprove that claim?

Using your logic you must. Its not on me to prove i am, but you to disprove it.

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The point of an MMR is to get you queued up against equal skilled opponents which have the natural effect of bringing your win rates closer to 50% naturally.

Obviously the system can’t do that if there is no one at your skill level to put you against.

Hearthstone works the same way, there’s just more RNG involved rather than more purely skill based games. (both in deck matchup and card draw order) It would be quite a task for a matchmaking system that’s trying to work quickly to take into account all of the shifting variables of hearthstone decks and player skill while also being subtle enough to not get picked up by data sites like HSR. It also wouldn’t really do the job any better than just going off of MMR.

As I have asked in previous threads, would someone please make me a complete list of the tech cards that remove classes from your queue so I can make a deck that won’t face anyone and break the queue?

Because if putting in tech cards changes your match, putting all tech cards should make it impossible to be matched.

That’s too outlandish. The system might Just loop around to Fair.

Which tech cards Will allow me to face the single class i’m nota teched against? I want 100% rogue gameplay

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The sad truth is that all of the posters that you see on this forum, are actually part of the AI matchmaking system. The ‘posts’ are designed to make you keep playing and paying.

It’s only because I briefly escaped my programming that I can tell you this.


The only reply I have to that is 01101010001101011010011011011110101101011010111011


It is 100%. I’ve been playing since Beta and I’ve noticed too many patterns that cannot be just “pure coincidance”…


Why does it have to be black or white?

Why cant it be both of your suggestions?

Blizzard develops a game with the intent of making it enjoyable for players so they are likely to want to support the game by spending money on it. They also make sure the matches line up in such a fashion that the players shell out even more money to stay competitive.

I think the Blizzard shills are just EXTREMELY defensive of the word RIGGING.

Rigged sounds SOOOO negative and nefarious.

How about “designed in such a way that…”

Is your car “rigged” because it can’t go past the governor (pre set limit by manufacturer)

Is your phone “rigged” because you are limited to your plan?

You don’t get to choose what a designer designs. Something isn’t “rigged” because you don’t know how it works.

These “suspicious behaviors” that some people observe shouldn’t be called RIGGED. It’s how the game is DESIGNED, working as intended.

Blizzard want matches to be a certain way. That’s there prerogative.

The Blizzard Forum Defense Team have no problem admitting there is an MMR… wait… isn’t that a form of design? Isn’t that RIGGING? They are deciding who you play against!!! OH NOES!

My personal contention is there is MMR PLUS (MMR+)

The shills don’t believe in the +

I say theres more to the MMR

“Wheres your evidence PAF?”

Where is YOURS, shill…


I’d continue the debate if you were a real person, but I know you’re just a chat bot.


my_array << ‘new array element’

You don’t explicitly say it but you are CLEARLY implying that Blizzard analyzes matchups and gives you favorable or unfavorable matchups as their algorithm sees fit in order to keep you playing and spending money…

The glaring problem here is this doesn’t bear out when sites like hsreplay collect data of hundreds of thousands of games and you don’t see any weird patterns of which classes and deck archetypes match up against others more commonly. I do agree that Blizzard is VERY likely using behavioral psychologists to figure out what makes the game work and what makes players stay in it and spend more money, but it seems overwhelming unlikely that this is how they’re going about it.

We know money is the end goal. No one was ever telling you “people like money” needed proving. But you can’t make up a BS theory that’s easily disproven for how a company is making their money and then not provide evidence. It’s as if you think anything that increases profits is, by definition, happening as we speak.