Yet another proposal for how to fix things

Once we get to WT3, reduce the overall monster scaling per level by 2-3%. This will let us actually start to feel like we are gaining. WT4 let it start out as hard as WT4 is, then do the same - 2-3% reduction in the power gains the monsters get per level. Don’t apply these reductions in Helltide and NM dungeons. That way if we want to “relax” and just play mindlessly we can in open world, while still having the option to grind in the other two. WT1 and WT2 are just fine as-is.

This does not address the balancing between skills/builds/classes. It just lets us feel like we have actually gotten stronger while we level, and keeps it from feeling like every fight is a grind. It lets us get back to enjoying open world.

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I personally never had an issue with the monster scaling from level 1 through WT4. I’ll admit the content got harder, but I also got more powerful. However, I know some people have so this might be a good balance for them.

For transparency, I ran a rapid fire/pen shot rogue early on, then switched to TB at WT3. I run a slightly unconventional build I guess? I didn’t look up my TB build. TB, Dash, Death Trap (to pull in), Poison Trap (to knock down and perma stun), and Concealment for CC. Thanks StRaItJaCkEt, forgot to post my build.

About the same as any other build. People greatly over estimate the necessity of aspects for their builds. Most of them are very weak and do nothing to make or break a build. What really matters is having crit/vunerability damage in end game. THAT’s what matters for most builds more than anything.

Only druid has items that really define different play styles. The shout aspects for barbarian are nice to have but they don’t make or break the builds like people are suggesting. The builds are still playable without them. Especially if you have a lot of paragon points.

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I think they need to rebalance some of the classes.

For example on my rogue and druid stepping between world tiers was a joke.

On my necromancer it was genuinely hard.

In my eyes it’s either an issue of build diversity or class balance, not necessarily enemy scaling.

From what I see (only mid-60s lvl RN), it seems like if you are not grinding to improve gear and glyphs you fall behind. You can’t just play to play. Drops are not good enough to improve your stats fast enough to keep up with monster scaling. This forces you into the activities that Blizz wants to make you do, rather than just letting you log on and ‘have fun’ doing mindless stuff. Reducing the scaling only in open world will address this I thing while still allowing the grinders to grind.

The should do something like they did with primals on D3. Sacred and ancestral gear should be able to drop (albeit at lower rates) in whatever difficulty you want once you clear the capstone. So when you hit that level 50 badness with some classes you can still in theory get higher quality gear. Even if they restricted it to be a low drop chance off dungeon bosses or something. They don’t need to nerf more monsters they NEED to fix the issues with the game. Honestly.

While I do agree they need to fix the issues, my proposal would be changing a few variable values and yours would be more coding. Which do you think they would be more open to trying? I just gotta be honest here…