Would D4 be a better game with more regular expansions?

We are getting yearly xpacs, does that count?

Yes, yearly expansion are great, but in the meantime they could be more efficient than creating throwaway content.

In essence people wouldn’t expect so much from seasons if the base game stood up on its own. As it stands the base game is a shell so people want grandiose seasons to cover that up…

D2 didn’t even have ANY seasonal mechanics and its seasons are still going strong. Let’s have a look and learn why that has been going for over 20+ years.

I hope Vessel of Hatred its just the first expansion. Many more with many classes and more skills

The biggest issue is player retention. People will buy the expansion, play for a month, then wait 2 years for the next one. The seasonal model has a higher frequency of returning players all because new content is out every 3 months.

This game hasn’t even been out a year yet LMAO!

I would guess there will be AT LEAST 2 but not more than 3 before they come out with a Diablo 5 if that even happens.

D4 is broken. There was so much emphasis put on selling micros that blizzard made you load everyone’s inventory. Now, you have a four player empty world that you have to go into a special zone just to fight a boss. Every dungeon is generic. You could expand this game into infinity and you would still be limited by the stupid coding and concept of this game.

Game would be stale within 6 months of no changes.