With D4 you can keep paying forever

Remember when they cancelled D4 to make Diablo Immortal phone game. Most people were furious when they announced it at Blizcon. Well it looks like they want their cake and to eat it too.
I paid $100 for the game. What is the first thing I see. The same thing used to raise money for have that are free. An in game store where you buy in game coins for basic things. The buy coins main page has a bundle for yet another $100.

If I wanted to buy coins to play a game there are plenty of free games that use this. Including Diablo Immortal.

I was on the Diablo Immortal waiting list for a year give or take until they released it.

I posted for a very short about off time then stopped shortly after.

Why are they do greedy. Why is there an option to purchase in game coin in increments including $100, yells me not to expect to have as much fun if anyone with more money can get all the cool things with a credit card instead of hours of work building skills and hunting for items. For that matter, if that is really how they intend to make money via on hand con purchased then thr have should be free like many other phone & console games.

The whole buy a game then pay to play it has always rubbed me the wrong way.

However, there was one game I bought that I was really enjoying. And it was the first game I purchased knowing I would have to keep playing monkey to play the game.

To help you understand how wrong it feels to pay monthly for a game you have already paid for.

Keep on mind, n itā€™s the principle not the cost.

Get this, they had an event where you could play the game with zero monthly fees. If you took advantage of a lifetime membership of $500. I would never have spent $500 on monthly fees, but I have them the additional $500 to be free of perpetual fees.

Diablo IV really takes the cake. Isnā€™t this a decade behind the original delivery date. And they want more than I paid for Diablo 3 eachtime they added some additional content, out an update given a new name. So we could over again pay for the base game.

Iā€™m really want my money back.

I donā€™t want to buy the game, pay to play it, & then pay for in game coin for conyent like all the other FREE games, reach time I want a new outfit or ego knows what they will add to the store instead of getting the content as a drop.

I played Diablo 3 for more than ten years. I canā€™t imagine playing Diablo IV for ten hours.

What is the point when those with more money can simply go shopping to have a gaming experience I could not achieve by working hard and getting really good at the game.

Pay pay pay pay pay pay pay.

Wasnā€™t waiting forever enough off a payment. Wasnā€™t suffering through Diablo Immortal payment enough.

Didnā€™t buying Diablo 3 as a pre-other, then paying for itā€™s upgrade, them paying full price again for Diablo 3 with Reaper of Souls. Not just an add on, but you have to pay for all the existing Diablo 3 versions to play the 3rd major flavor of D3.

I wonder if they will want us to keep paying for the full hands over and over also.

You appear so greedy the only thing I can think of to take more of our money would be to charge us by the hour as well as everything else.

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Remember when this startedā€¦ nearly 20 years ago? When WoW released and you had to buy the game plus pay monthly? Buy tcg cards to get rare loot? Have transfer fees?

Itā€™s not a new thing. Heck, cosmetics arenā€™t even needed. I can list a ton of things about D4 that I donā€™t like more than a silly cosmetic shop that doesnā€™t affect me one bit.

Like the cosmetics shop in Diablo 3 which didnā€™t cost you any real money.

Yes but D3 was overrun with hacked ladder leaders within 3 years because of the lack of funds to properly moderate the game.

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Yes WoW changed for things. You yourself mentioned posting for rare items.

Which is worse, beating players and getting on the boardsb because you can pay for really rare items. Or donā€™t fee the community to death and have some people on leader boards that shouldnā€™t be.

I would rather go without the fees and ignore the leader boards, then have to guy clothes. Or may likely buying weapons to get on the leader boards.

Thanks for the discussion.

I would not have played d2 for 20+ years without its ladder.

D3 I played 4 years in comparison. Thatā€™s a huge difference. You have to have a reason to come back.

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I played D3 almost weekly for over a decade. This was a good discussion, thanks again.

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I see it as

You pay for game. Cool.
You pay for Ps+ or Xbox ultimate/ gold-standard thing, access to library of games for cheap, so why not. This covers online play. Cool.

Ingame shop- mmmm okay, this is optional. If youā€™re a compulsive magpie who needs the shinies, or have some how turned into the Gollum of the game world hunting the precious, I can see the issue, compulsive spending is a thing, however the store is not compulsory. Nor a full feature for improving game quality. Itā€™s there as an option. I personally wonā€™t drop coin unless itā€™s something I truely must have to make my toon look nice. Otherwise Iā€™m running about naked. (More fun).

Now, back to the fun part- keep paying to play.
Depends how youā€™re viewing it. I view it as I got the game, I already have an existing subscription to live, no dramas.

Elder scrolls- free to play, sure, unless you want access to content- pay subscription fee, or pay for each piece of content separately.
Newest expansion- pay $$$ or wait until the next expansion drops for it to be available on the subscription, or buy it in their store. ā€œBut itā€™s a free gameā€ no, itā€™s ā€œfreeā€ to a certain point.
It also has a hyper aggressive store, loot crates. No pay for power, but itā€™s got those shiny things.

Itā€™s a point of perspective, as well as contemplating the longevity of a game. Question is, do YOU want longevity in D4, sure they will make $$$ on sales for the game itself, however thatā€™s the thing, for More development, they need to be able to fund it, they unfortunately also need to toe the line with shareholders (sad truth these days), so, in store cash shop.

If it doesnā€™t appeal to you, donā€™t use it, if thereā€™s something you want, budget for it, even if it seems FoMo with the rotation times, something will be bound to repeat on cycle. They always do.

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Thanks for your perspective. I appreciate the time it takes to read my comment and then to reply in detail. People like you make RPGs fun to play.
Much appreciated (thanks)!

I think the prices for the skins are bordering on ridiculous and having matching accessory kits on top of the skins is insane, but only because the base game is $70.

Iā€™d be a lot more likely to buy multiple items at about half their current listed prices, but I also understand that there are people, with more expendable cash than me, who will literally buy every item at full price.

I wonā€™t lie, there is still a possibility I might buy a skin on sale, or I might just cough up the cash for an amazing skin should a class or character become my favorite.

I hate to admit I did buy the $6.99 bundle with items and 800 coins, but I really wanted that skeletal horse armorā€¦.

Itā€™s even more ironic when I think about how everyone clowned the Elder Scrolls horse armor way back when

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Do you mean Xbox Network (formerly Xbox Live Silver)? It doesnā€™t cost anything.

I donā€™t pay for Live Gold. I pay 12,99ā‚¬/month for Game Pass Ultimate.

I meant the gold, I just term it as live :rofl::joy: Iā€™ll make the appropriate edit.

I gotta drop some info on you, back then games were paid for using this model to promote content every month, itā€™s why you paid for it. Youā€™re stupid and wrong, and delusional. How about you spend some time to understand what was offered, and what was lost? The wow gamers ravaged games, they ruined the whole system, because they trusted it, go watch more marvel movies, go defend your corrupt companies that owe you their livelihoods, please, defend them, tell us why weā€™re wrong we got a game that feels like a shell of D3, most of the abilities have existed already, are these new animations? feels like blizzard used a HD texture pack on D3 and released that.

This is a live service game just like WoW now you know that right? You know it was advertised as more of a MMO than previous installments?

Also D3 is the worst main line Diablo game.

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