Why Poe dosent need ps plus to play online and diablo does?

probably blizzard made a deal with sony, but sadly i would never pay ps plus to play d4 on it so i buyed it for nothing. Poe has a better way to handle there player … Free to play so your sure it dosent suck before paying , no need ps sub to play online and all expansion are free.

Dont get me wrong i like both game, but i have mixed feeling about diablo, a lot of bug are there, some from the beta like (the mutant werebear that look like a chicken) still there i wrote multipe post on it and more than one year later its still there, that break the imersion.

In the futur if poe2 is an upgrade over the one, it might be my main game because it feel a lot less cheap and i prefer to pay after i try the game if i like it, i will support more because the company dosent try to force me to pay before i am sure i like it.

I will still try diablo patch since i have it on pc, but i think its a scam for people that got it on pc and ps5 … you have to buy expansion 2 times and you need to have a ps sub…

Poe is free and no need for a ps subsciption and in poe 2 you would be able to play the same account on both.

You don’t need PS+. The only thing you lose is online multiplayer stuff… PVP, clan, partying, trading. You can still do world bosses and legion events and couch coop. I let my PS+ lapse and I don’t miss it. I’m still getting everything I want out of the game (except a launch-ready game).


I cant connect when i try. I don’t know why but still its stupid they restrict thing like this, its like you buy the game, but if you dont buy something else you have half the game.

Not being able to connect isn’t related to ps+. I have no issues connecting to the game, unless there’s an expected interference from maintenance.

What’s your internet speed? Are you on wifi or ethernet? What speed does your console report when you test your connection in settings?

I would not play PoE on a console. Yikes.

i understand it feel a lot better on pc, but in poe 2 i might try both, i prefer mouse and keyboard, but sometime i like sit down on coach to play, i started d4 on ps5 then i moved to pc, i would play sometime on ps5 if i was not lock behind ps plus sub for some aspect and if had not to buy expansion 2 time to play. This part is the most stupid i think, why would they charge 2 time for the same thing, they want to do money i get it, but it feel cheap on there part. In Poe you don’t even need to pay for expansion.

Poe 2 on ps5 pro is pure fire my man. You get everything that you would get on pc and you have haptic feedback and atmos on top. It’s just objectively better. You can also play with a keyboard and mouse either way if you prefer. Loot filter is present too. No reason to spend twice the price on a decent pc.

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