Why does it feel so boring?

Coming back to Diablo game, I was expecting the chat channel.
Not seeing that chat channel and you know like 50+ players their level, look, and name.

Classic starcraft, diablo chat channels gone. They messed up. Thats classic feature. Gone. Sad.

I quit Diablo 3 because of that auction house, and how it seemed like everyone was selling the best items. That auction house is not a classic diablo feature. Thats a negative feature.
I like opening trade window, “wug”
People coming into the server, free drops.

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The entire game is gutted for mysterious reasons… No one knows why

they patched out the auction house in between a few months in d3, because everyone was whining about, how unfair it is… as if that game is build on competitiveness. If you buy everything, you wont see any sense of that game in no time. Still… its everyones decision to do whatever they want… stop whining all of you kiddies

Game is missing better Gathering the Legions and more meaningful rewards.

I watched the video of the seasonal stuff, barbers drops or whatever. You can do that solo.
So much of this game is solo.

I came into this game saying I’m gonna solo a lot, I’m rethinking this game now saying, man I wish there was way more meaningful events with multiple people.

This is a multiplayer game.


Diablo games have always been about the loot find. Literally that’s the formula. They went a little crazy after messing that up in D3. But Diablo 2 had it right.


Its because its shallow. There is nothing to strive for. The little bit they made that could be sought after has win the lotto 3 times straight type rarity. The only point of leveling in this game is to level.

They need to make a lot of things to chase. A lot. Not just 6 things that only 4 people in the world might obtain 1 of. This gives reason to keep going. Right now there is barely a reason to keep going after 60-70.

Same handful of dungeons over and over and over again for like 100 hours. You get the same loot in dungeon 1 at 60 as you do in dungeon 1000 at 100. Doesn’t matter if it’s a normal dungeon, a 21 key, or a 100 dungeon. It’s the same loot. Gives no sense of progression or target farming or things to strive for. Right now the only thing I have to strive for is that damn ghost mount that wont drop for me.


Every system is shallow to the max

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If you feel bored there is no harm in playing a different game for a while.

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I already uninstalled the game and went back to PoE. I still have D3 and D2 Remastered installed but this iteration of the series is so god-awful that I didn’t want to give it any space on my SSD.


What issue?
That people are “quitting” or “uninstalling” or D4 made them “sell pc”?

This was what we were saying to you all the bloody time…
“Come with “constructive” feedback! Not threads like this.
Also adjust your expectations a bit maybe?
You guys expect massive changes in such short time. Give them time. See if they do it right, come back. If not, tough luck! Go play something else.
But stop crying on daily basis. Thus his point stands. “Topics are repeating themselves”

In the end, it’s only a game. Which is luxury you shouldn’t be crying about. If it’s not luxury, time to grow up and reconsider your priorities.

More and more people are coming to the same realization, no?

The game feels boring because it’s horribly repetitive. Games can be repetitive and fun, as long as there is a goal or purpose for what you’re doing. There is no goal or purpose in this game.


There’s disappointments literally everywhere.

For example there is nothing exciting about chests, because the drops are not truly random.
There should be hundreds of new type of items you can find from a chest: powerful gems, gear upgrade kits, red dust, level 15 glyphs, herb caches, treasure maps, anything…

When I look at a chest I know it’s going to drop exactly 1 rare or blue item, where’s the fun in that?

The game is too predictable and lacking content.


Because you dont like the game

I find sport boring more that half the world loves sport.

So i dont watch sport

Stop crying and grow up dude… Jeez, what’s wrong with you?

The problem is I can go for 10 levels without finding a single upgrade. Like, run a 100 dungeons and not one upgrade. And I’m talking pre WT4.


Because they didn’t set out to make a good Diablo game, they set out to make a Diablo game that they could heavily monetize.


They made it this way on purpose for sure… My guess is that they plan to trickle out minor updates and improvements that are assets already made and tested…
To make it look like they are developing.

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Just as a different perspective I absolutely hate the bartering “wug” style and will never trade in games like that.

Give me an AH or a PoE currency set price style trade site any day of the week over that.


I think lack of mob density, gear upgrades, reliance on legendary affixes for most builds, and long stretches without combat and just running, are things that makes it boring for me. Oh, and no room for experimentation.


Blizzard Diablo Team should play some MMORPG like Ragnarok Online (RO Online) or the not so good Maple Story Classic before making the game and find out what’s FUN inside and implement the ideas into da game.

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