Which class are you gonna play first for S5?

Playing the forum-class (Troll?).

The same as always. Barbarian doing Rend/Rapture.

Same thing I do every season Pinky. Try to level 100 a Druid. :smile:

Though not sure of the flavor. Might revisit the poisonous wolfpack build. Or see if I can get a super cataclysm build to work with the ult improvements. Can always pulverize bear. But thinking piecing together a poisonous landslide variationā€¦

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Sorc. and will give druid a go again, against my better judgment.

Iā€™ll play sorcerer again. Thatā€™s the class I think Iā€™ll always start as when a season starts.

Iā€™ll get the gear/feel the season 5 mechanics/story line etc etc ā€¦then play other characters as Iā€™ll know what to do and have Some gear ready for them (like Ubers if Iā€™m lucky)ā€¦

I took a break mid S3 and never touched D4 yet. Is Incinerate godly now? Reading your comment, I guess not :smiley:

Paladin! Iā€™m skipping S5 to play the new WoW xpac. :upside_down_face:

Incinerate is the best leveling build period.

Also sorc is rumored to be getting mega buffs. We find out tomorrow.

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Thatā€™s my favorite class.

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I donā€™t agree with that but Iā€™m only speaking from S0 to mid S3. Itā€™s not bad for leveling.

However, I donā€™t really care much about leveling. Any build is good enough. I care more about how it performs at more challenging/annoying stuff.

So based on your response, Incinerate is still not comparable to Blizzard-based builds at more challenging/annoying content?

Sorc of course


Not sure. The problem with me is I always level all the classes to 100. Usually by mid-season I get that feeling of having too much of a good thing. And so I take a break to the next season. Well this seasonā€™s going to be short so I may skip it which I normally never do and wait for the expansion. I just want to avoid the situation where the expansion starts and I feel like I need a break. Iā€™m debating on leveling one character just so I can get any season specific things. Like mounts Etc.

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I was thinking of playing a rogue but I have this feeling Barbā€™s will still be OP despite the changesā€¦

Not planning on playing the whole season as I want to have a break before the expansion so Iā€™ll just be doing Barb this season.

None, as I wonā€™t play till expansion, but if I were to play, Iā€™d play Rogue or Necro, as those are the classes I havenā€™t tried yet properly

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Would love to play my Lightning Druid and Bouncing fireball Sorcererā€¦

Leaning towards Sorc again, but it will depend on the patch notes tomorrow. If thereā€™s an exciting Barb or Necro build I might go that direction. I ended up going with fire this season, so my current plan is Frozen Orb.

Dual wield Barb! Might be a season of Speed

Incinerate canā€™t push pit as high as blizzard/FO/ball lighting or AL.

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Druid :bear:
and as second char necro or barb.