When to engage with tormented bosses?

There is no way to cleanse the stacks? Dying aside.

Frozen orb build here, stuck at pit 67 , I can prob clear till 70, but I need to dodge perfectly ,those shot are instant dead to me, so far I dont think i can clear lv200 duriel or anda

Well in Super Mario Bros 2…err…I mean Diablo 4 dodging is the name of the game.

So let’s assume you can clear pit 67 because you can dodge all the one shots. If you can dodge perfectly, you will be able to take on torment bosses perfectly. But you need to keep at it for 10-15 minutes which I find incredibly hard to do. If you cannot dodge at 67, then you def won’t survive Torment 200 because eventually the debuff stacks will 1shot you even on tickling attacks.

Best solution is just to party. Barbs have that super star power event that makes them invulnerable and deal super high damage anyways.

This is not a knock against you but a warning on current class challenges. I know sorcs that can clear Pit 80 that will still die in torment boss and it’s still a long fight.

@Kutta, only dying resets the debuff no way to reset in fight. If you revive while party is in fight you keep the stacks. I’m told beast in ice is bugged because even with dungeon solo death you still have stacks on.

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Thanks, macro.

20 debuff stacks

I am a blizzard sorc currently and have been playing in eternal since s0. Im currently at level 85 pit with mostly legacy gear, 16000 health, and 8900 armor. My non legacy gear is all level 1 and no Greater Affixes. Here is my perspective:

Last night i played with a certain player who is known for his martial arts skills with macros. I died a lot the first round because i was (1) not looking at poison pools (2) thought i could TP into duriel and could just stand there in my blizzard. The second round i fought from a distance, was mindful of the poison pools, and didnt die once. My friend was a necro, and was likely the tank and attracting the main force of duriel.

So my recommendation if youre playing with sorc without a constant fireshield source: play with a fellow barb or necro. Dont dive in and watch put for poison pools.

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Blizzard is better for PIT, I flash farm T70 without any defense aspect and Glyph with Topaz gem.

When you retire your sorc and roll a necro. A single skeletal mage is stronger than a sorc lol :smiley:


I already did the best by uninstalled the game


I believe that would be called DIS-engaging the boss. :rofl:

Edit: @Madsness as the old S0 joke goes, all skeletal mages are former sorcs that re-rolled as necro minions to get a power bump.

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Those are all really sad replies unfortunately, but thank you all so much.

Just too few stygian stones to risk it alone, and i do not like other people to play with

Will just keep my mats for a possible mid season nerf to bosses or buffs to sorcs

If you play sorc, tormented bosses and uber Lilith arent for you.

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You could try somethign in between. Try solo with necro friend on standby. If you fail, port them in so you dont waste the matts. This allows you to test yourself (for self punishing fun) and also get mats and also make your friend happy when they get 4x GA affix uber. Win win win.

Ok, rerolled to blizzard, did pit 73, killed tormented lord zir and finally crafted my shako.

Happy :slight_smile:

Can you add me in game? I have mat for uber runs. Since I can beat Tormented Duriel, I have only mats for Andariel and stones.
My battle tag is VPTS#1247
Many thanks!

Finally someone answered and i can send my text preparef since last week. Unfortunately the forum did not let me answer twice in a row
Me again.

After farming pit lvl 75 comfortably i engaged tormented duriel. Upgraded my shako first to 12/12 and hit the dungeon. Build still blizzard.

Was not about his health but about his special attacks. Took me some tries but in the end it was ok and i finally finished my season journey.

Now i have 22 stygian stones and will visit him some more times

Never. Sell your stones on trade for 40-50mil each.

Do not attempt Tormented Bosses until you can clear at least Pit 80. Ideally you should be able to do Pit 100. If you can farm Pit 100, you can easily deal with Tormented bosses.

Tormented bosses are easier than Pit bosses because you don’t need to deal with Echos, but they’re still Level 200. Pit 81 is level 180 so you should at least be able to take out that much life before you try fighting Tormented bosses, Level 200 has like several billion more HP than Level 180. At earlier Pit clears you can theoretically kill a Tormented Boss but it will take a long time, like maybe 15 minutes or so. If you just want a clear and don’t intend to farm them, this is okay. But if you are farming for Ubers you need to at least be able to clear Pit 90, when we farm for Ubers with my friends in a 4-man we bring 2 barbs who can do Pit 100, or 1 barb 1 rogue, we can carry the poor Sorcs. A Barb, Necro or Rogue who can clear Pit 130 is probably enough to carry entire party as well.

Pit 40 is a long way to go before you can solo a Tormented boss. If your build isn’t hitting for at least 50m/second I wouldn’t bother attempting a Tormented boss.

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Just manage to tank/kill uber duriel with a perma flame shield-BL build that can also farm pit 75, eternal, it was a team of 3 sorcs with different builds one incinerate one firebolt, some deaths, haven’t attempted alone but I suspect it would have worked with some skills also solo.

Blizz sorc. Only fight him tormented (wish the damn Vas items dropped as readily as Living Steel). Can one phase him ~ 50% of the time. Key with the tormented bosses is understanding which of their attacks add dmg multiplier debuffs… and doing your best to avoid / limit those. Duriel’s are well telegraphed. There are YT vids showing 'em if you don’t want to spend the time to ID them yourself. Happy hunting!

I was a Lvl 87 Blizzard Sorc when I took down my first Tormented Duriel and got my Spark.

Oh, there was also a Barb, a Necro and a Rogue along. My contribution to the fight? I did not die. I thought that, under the circumstances, that was a major accomplishment.

Even at Lvl 100 a Sorc cannot do enough damage to kill a Tormented boss. That is unless you are an incredibly skilled player that never makes a mistake or you make a immune build that has all day to whittle the boss down. Bring your lunch. It is gonna to be a hella’ long fight.