What's your download speed so far? 12GB at 6 MB/s here

5gig fios going at 10-15 mbs lol

4 minutes left, now getting 60Mb/sec lol

Thats a mood right there my god.

my question is how did they type 40gigs worth of code in 4 hours?

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says i can play but have 15 gigs left hmmmm

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pretty much same here

I have 1 Gigabit Ethernet and sometime it’s 102 mo/s but the download drop directly after and i am at 1mb/s all the time… lol

We never had the 2.0.2 patch on bnet. So, we were going to have to download this at launch time anyway. They may have had to rebuild it with a or something but it still would have been the same size, just likely downloaded 5 hours ago though.

I’m back to 16h to go.

I practically still have dial-up (it’s that bad i my area) so almost 10g is gonna take me a while…

about 1.8mb/s avg

25%, will get there in time to see another license error im sure

What a surprise. Maybe we all stop giving them money and let’s see how their sense of urgency changes?

110 MB/s Here average. At 40%

My download speed is always all over the place with the blizzard launcher.

So far with this download I’ve gone anywhere from 6kbps to 68MBps. Currently at 300kbps.

Yep, anywhere from less than 10 mins to complete to about 3 years or so.

im getting limewire on dial-up feels right now. start a DL, go to bed, go to work, eat dinner, then only 2 hours left till your DL is ready

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Yeah I bounce between ~23 mb/s and 67 kbs. Getting excited that it jumped up to the 20s just feels … bad …

I guess the pre-install 37 gigs was corrupted. Seems like we have to do all over again

yeah we download a 50GB earlier but I thought this would be a new update since something was wrong with the other one

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result yet here I am on another Blizzard launch day getting the same result…

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37.64 gigs at 1 mbs.

so 8+ hours just to play.

worst launch ever.

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37.64 GB download ranging at speeds from 400 Kb/s to 15.00 Mb/s.