What Would Diablo 5 Look Like

sounds like thr POE model

Imagine a black screen

D5 is postponed into cancellation after projected sales doesn’t meet budget BP.

30% better graphics.

90% more belt buckles on the rogue gear, like the last store set had 17, in Diablo 5 it will have 160 belts.

1 more color shader, teal and pink. Ultimate version only.

For 30$ you will be able to paint your horses hooves red.

So i make a humorous comment and you went full personnal attacks with assumptions over who i am ?
Next time you try to gaslight and slander people, maybe you should read the definition of what you accuse them of. Your projection is over 9000.

Keep insulting strangers and making stuff up about them in a condescending way while hidden in front of your computer. Says a lot more about you than me. :clown_face:

D5 will probably be like D4 again. Good cinematics, marketing, art. Mediocre everything else. I hope their sales are less next time. Blizz doesn’t deserve all the revenue they got from us