What is the point of the higher tier pit?

So I have been playing a lucky hit Andriel build on the PTR with every type of CC under the sun to boost my DoT damage.

Running tier 101 generally because the build isn’t great against single target but otherwise seems indestructible.
I decided to try opening a 160 Pit just for a laugh expecting to get 1 shotted.
I pull 3 elites and around 10 trash mobs and start attacking, lock everything down and stack Andriel to around 100M per tick and it’s like I’m waving a feather at them.

The mobs have so much HP it silly, no build that isn’t completely broken and bugged has any chance of killing these mobs.

On the plus side my build does seem to be indestructible since even with getting stunned by the snakes all the time my HP never dropped. The life steal is actually useful when your doing billions of damage per second.

The Pit is design to be a big dck measuring contest. Just something to brag about because you can and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
On a side note, Andriel’s Visage life steal ALL damage output. This include thorn damage and damage over time.

What’s your build?

How much flat does Andy’s show on the PTR? I remember seeing 132k or so? I hope it stays that way.

Yes, it’s aspirational content. No build is supposed to be able to beat these high-level pits (yet). In D3 it took years before they finally had enough power creep in the game to beat the highest Greater Rift level (their version of a Pit).

Now that you know this. Don’t worry about it. Just go as high as you want / is fun and leave it at that. Next Season you try to beat your “high score” just for some fun.

Or whatever floats your boat. Some people like to push as high as possible to try to beat the impossible. It’s what they thrive on. Clearly, you’re not one of them and neither am I, but someone enjoys it. Let them.

Later dude.

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Andy shows base proc of 147k on the PTR.

My build was based around lucky hit bash cleave to proc Andy and crowd control.
Aspect of creeping death on a 2 hander to give 40% DoT damage per crowd control.
Tempers for immobilize, concussion for stun, Azurewrath for freeze, Butchers cleaver for fear and slow.
Aspect of shared misery to pass all the CC around.

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147k is dope.

Mix your tempers. Have one of each CC on chest, pants, gloves, and boots.

I have a build I’ve been messing with on Eternal. Waiting for the changes to see how good it can actually be.

I don’t think Bash is the way to go. You have to invest too much into direct damage, which takes away from your poison.

I used 1 bash temper for the cleave not the damage.
I managed to get up to 94% lucky hit chance on bash.
My basic idea was to group everything together then use the bash cleave to trigger lots of procs of CC and Andy’s per swing. It worked even better than I hoped, everything near me got locked down almost instantly and 5-6 Andy procs per swing on big groups.

I started off trying flay for the bleed damage boost from creeping death but the single target really hurts the proc rates.

Rupture works incredibly well and is probably the way to go with a bit of size increase but I didn’t have time on the PTR to get round to testing it properly.

I’ll share my build once things go live. You’re wasting a temper on bash cleave, wasting a weapon slot on Azurewrath, and you should focus purely on generic damage and damage over time. Rupture should definitely be included. Is your attack speed maxed?

What glyphs you got?

Would be interested in seeing it.

I’m know that my build was less than perfect, lacked the time on the PTR to get the perfect gear. A lot of my gear was pass down already tempered item that I already had.
Took me far to long to find all the tempering manuals again too.
I also am not great with the paragon boards they will also have been sub par.

Do you remember what glyphs?

I took an old char on Eternal and have some pretty crap gear, too, but it works well. Andy’s is only 36k right now, so the new 147k alone will be a massive boost. Creeping Death will be another.

I’ll probably skip S5 if all of the item changes will reflect on Eternal, and I’ll post a guide if it’s worthwhile. I have like 4-5 different builds in mind once the changes go live, and Andy’s is one of the top.

I like your idea of Butcher’s Cleaver, but unless they make some gnarly changes to it, the one extra CC may not be worth it. Especially since it’ll stack fear so fast that it makes enemies Unstoppable really quickly if they don’t die. Then you lose all the Creeping Death damage.

No point without leaderboards. I do them for GA drops, obols, ubers and masrerworking mats. 101s are like gr90s in D3 but without leveling anything. If you could lvl glyphs it would be better. Its fun instant action thou.

I’ve never had an uber drop from a Pit. Have you?


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Andy’s is showing 120k+ now after the patch, but I don’t notice a 4x dmg increase.

Visual bug?

Apparently monster damage does not scale past tier 100, so if you can survive big packs in tier 100 then you’ll be able to survive in tier 200.
However, the monster HP increases a ton as you progress up the tiers, so you have to get greedier with damage.

I’ve had a Harlequin 2GA drop in Pit 90… But I’m sure I won’t see that again for 4,726 years

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I have faith it’ll be sooner than that…I’m thinking 666 years.

I managed to craft my Shako before season end just yesterday (recently came back) and I was actually wondering at that time how often people get a GA version, so it’s awesome to see your post. Congrats :slight_smile: