What I'm curious is why make Aoz Glyph for it to be taken away

I am just pointing out things that dont make any sense.

IMO they should

  1. keep the AoZ content on Eternal
  2. change the glyph so that it doesnt have any effect outside of AoZ
    It might be harder without the vampiric powers for now but who cares…

3 specific build? 4 classes have cleared aoz t25 solo. necro has done t21 solo. i guess all 5 classes can now use hota and ball lightning?

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Aoz was a ptr for the gauntlet, hope you liked it, cuz you’re about to get 3 more months of it, modified slightly.


I didnt bother with AOZ because I was pretty much done with S2 and wasnt going to waste the last month grinding for a glyph that goes poof.

Having said that, this was content for people who wanted to see how far they can push their max builds. The glyph has to go away because it would totally reck the eternal realms if it was left in.

AoZ was literally done as a test to see what exploits exist by creating content you realistically should not be able to complete. Not only that, it gives them insight on imbalances with a what-if scenario by jacking up damage increase from a single source to see just how effective that is with players that have more or less already min/maxed.

If you have all 925 gear and Uber Uniques at 100, there isn’t anymore progression that can be done. If Blizzard adjusts a slider, they can see how disproportinately that affects your performance.

I would expect AoZ was used to serve as a benchmark for future rebalancing of content and classes. It is quite easy to tell now where the problems are and what sort of problems exist between all of their multiplicative sources. They know they can only push enemy damage so high (which isn’t very high). Now they created “bullet sponges” and see if that can be a solution by increasing enemy health a ton.

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Level 55? Wow, thats is impressive

Hows everyone feel about using AoZ to beta test the gauntlet for blizzard?

Seems like blizzard used its fanbase to do the work they are supposed to pay people to do……again……and we payed for it……again……


Live Service is a giant testing ground. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing. You design, implement, study the results, go back make tweaks, refine it, and do it all over again.

My problem isn’t with that, it is introducong AoZ toward end of S2 was cheesy

It’s not a real downer because you should know ahead of time that the ToB glyph will go away. It’s a downer, for you probably, because after you’ve tasted its power, you wanna keep it forever.

You know ahead of time that you are wasting time leveling glyph. In exchange, well, you get a seasonal fun of being broken.

Again you know that ahead of time.

They never did that with WoW (when i played at least anyway)

I guess gone are the days of studios releasing finished products. Now it seems instead of paying people to test, they get their player base to pay for the game and test at the same time.

Just seems shady to me, that’s all.

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WoW was a subscription-based MMORPG and had a lot more seasoned team given its popularity. How soon you forget how slow WoW was to drop updates also. There would be like 1 new Raid and within a few weeks time we would all be decked out typically. The worst thing was running Raids and NOT having anything drop at all and waiting that to be able to even run it again.

Diablo4’s Live Service is better at pushing out content, albeit the content is pretty shallow. It is slow to release hotfixes and patches however. There are still tons of things flat broken or scaling imporperly that have sit since Beta.

Not just the AoZ glyph, all of the Seasonal stuffs would be gone.

Why worry? It would be replaced by new and more powerful Seasonal stuffs.

Been the norm for over a decade sadly. Triple A Gaming Studios turned into Shareholder Gaming Studios and this is the fruit of their labors. Look at the majority of games built by a Triple A Shareholder Gaming Studio, and you’ll notice a horrible trend. They’re usually unfinished, promises of getting better, glitchy as hell, crashes, etc. and to top it all off they usually have a DLC within the first year of release to make everyone try and forget how awful the launch was.

Now there are some gems out there, built by reputable Triple A Companies, but they are like finding a needle in a haystack. Most are just trying to push out the product as fast as possible, fix it in post, and let the players test it for them after paying. Also why I tell everyone not to pre-order, give it a week or two, see what the real problems are with the game, don’t listen to IGN or any other paid gaming “journalist” company that just throws out reviews like they’re going out of style, especially don’t listen to streamers as they are some of the biggest shills for new products coming out.

So you’re saying if they made you formally signup to try AoZ, you wouldn’t have? Or if they started up a PTR, you would have no interest in doing it?

I’ve been on quite a few beta’s and I’ve never been paid to do it. Ultima Online, Nascar Racing, Various Music software. I don’t think it’s shady for Blizz to try out features in the game, especially that is optional.

Now for those that feel D4 is beta, maybe they’d have a point though I wouldn’t agree.

it was like half way. not really a big deal because people needed to min/max to get ready for it

Probably not. If i am gonna work, i would prefer to get paid for it, not pay to work.