What a broken @$%^ Show of a mess of a game

Title says it all the game is a broken mess right now. Half the encounters are horribly over tuned espeically if your playing necro you literally cant be half of the bosses in the game in its current state with full level appropriate gear its freaking stupid. Fix your game blizz. Theres no reason i should get one shoted in all level 15 gear from a level 15 mob and have no chance in hell of beating them even with 2 different builds. You never fixed necros from beta and it shows badly.


Dude this was the easiest game I ever played.


LOL if you think that’s bad, wait till you run into the Butcher. You’re both supposed to be the same level but he 2-shots you no matter what you do.

And just when you think you’ve gotten an upgrade or 2 and you’re ready to go whoop his butt…you get DCed and error 395002…


If so why did you keep on talking. :man_facepalming:


You can’t be serious.

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He just done beat me up lol. But seriously you just melt through the mobs
if you know what your doing.

try playing necro and then go do half of the basic events in teh world youl get destroyed

Don’t know about broken or not just boring as all hell. Back to Last Epoch for me:)


these issues were brought up in beta and obviously never addresssed

Lol the Necro was grossly OP in beta, I still remember that vid of the dude literally afk-killing the Butcher with thorns.

If things stayed the same from the beta, then you should have nothing to be complaining about.

So what’s the problem here?


go try and do the world events and tlel me half of them are remotely balanced for necros they 1 shot all of my minions with no corpses to rez more hten just 2 shot me even if i kite thats broken theres no 2 ways about it.

i’m a lvl 36 necro… no issues at all. maybe your build is just bad

There’s no way in hell I’m levelling a Necro, already got a Sorc to ~35 and I already feel my brain rotting from the boredom.

Skill issue. I’m a necromancer currently at the start of act IV and having no issues killing stuff while my minions stay alive.

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Pretty sure you’re just bad. If anything some of the bosses are too easy, and I’ve only ran into one bug in the 20 hours I’ve played.

Bone spear trivializes bosses.

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its not a skill isue when the boss is in melle range 100% of the tmie and you have no way to escape and your minions get one shoted just stop making stuff up its broken

Played a Necro in Server Slam when they were worse (pre-buff patch after the open beta nerf, which was put in for launch). Played it to 20 (you’re having issues at 15) with zero deaths on WT2. If you’re not on WT1 go there first and then, if you’re still having issues, look at leveling guides that are already out.

If you want to go a minion build you NEED to be helping your minions with every skill selection. Also, at least pre late Server Salm buff, SKirmishers were garbage. Run Shield then Scythe

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my guy you have a dodge also run abilities that generate more corpses. Read your abilities and see how they work together before claiming the class is terrible.

Keep at it. You’ll get better. Nobody’s an expert right out the door

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At least your pets sort of tank for you. Try playing a sorc or bow rogue where you have to kite.