Welcome to the Barbarian Category

Welcome to the Barbarian category! We encourage you to use this forum to provide feedback and/or discuss your experiences while playing as the Barbarian class in [Diablo IV]. Consider this the home for all theory crafting, build crafting and general discussion surrounding the Barbarian class.

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I’m playing a Rend / Rupture build and my whole build has been designed to use rupture as a KO tool.

However, I’ve been pvping all of today… day 2 xD and Rupture is not working (but I’ve still been having a lot of fun).

When I Rupture a player in PVP, it will take the bleeds off and drop the persons health like it’s supposed to. But then their health will instantly go back up and the bleeds will be gone.

I’ve tested with my buddy, even getting him to a full bleed in which a Rupture should KO him. But instead, it does the same as above. Drops his health to 0 (should have died), takes off the bleeds, he does not die and instead all of his health is returned. This was happening all day to players I was vsing.

I guess my question is, is Rupture supposed to not work in PVP or is this a bug? It works fine in PVE. But I’m ultimately playing this game for late game PVP and will have to change my build if Rupture is supposed to not work in PVP?

I cannot find anything about this anywhere.

Can you please help me understand?

Many thanks in advance!

Hey, Blizzard thank you for ruining Barbarian in D4 as you did in D3. Barbarian is way too weak compared to other classes. Look at a sample below. And i don’t even need that sample to realize that you completely ruined the class. Go check some Lilith kills and some 100 nightmare dungeons and see how underpowered is barbarian compared to other classes. Yet again you prove to us that you are really bad at class balancing.


Yeah i uninstalled the game some Days Ago. Nerfing Classes in a pve game vs monsters. Jebus…

Forcing players to play meta spec (that is One for barb) also 6-9 minute uber lillith fights

Rest of the Classes (laughs over barb Tears)

Slays her in 90 seconds. Steamrolls through nm 100 Dungeons.

Its a shame. It could be better. Way better.

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Welcome to barbarian class. My opinion is that we have no clear item synergy. Uniques are not useful. We do physical dmg but our uniques do elemental dmg. Our bleeds are extrmely weak compared to poison, see rogue. Other classes do more damage and tank better, see druid. Other classes handle high end content better, see Necro. Managing fury requires two specific rings, one of which is near impossible to find. HOTA hits like a sockem bopper and whirlwind hits like a wet noodle. Druids are actually physically larger. Barb is being treated like a donald trump supporter.

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Hamstring skill change makes very little sense as being hamstrung is an injured state not a healthy one. If you have to nerf it make it read injured instead or you could also make enemies only slowed when vulnerable and bleeding at the same time as that logically indicates that they are currently hamstrung, the healthy state requirement is all that needs to change in this particular skills update.

People who spent so much time and effort leveling this kind of build because they were having fun with it should not be punished by destroying the most viable synergy in the build and forcing them to change there base skills around to the very small number of viable build options.

Making people change a character build that is not game breaking after they waisted so much time to get it to 100 is ridiculously disrespectful to any player.

Please respect we the players time…


Has anyone noticed that in the seasonal relm only barbs double swing is not scaling? I have a lvl 45 barb with 7 points into double swing and the tool tip says its doing 236-346 damage. I just noticed this today after getting barb to workd tier 3 anyonelse getting this problem?

I’m not really new to the barbarian class as i played a little bit on barbarian before season one. Back then it felt pretty fun to play but one change in your last patch doesn’t make any sense to me. Why make the hamstring passive only work for healthy enemies. That update alone potentially killed it as a passive altogether. I preferred it the way it was before cause back then it was actually useful. But now it’s barely active at all and feels so useless. I would like for you to either revert it or find a way to make it useful again cause as it stands now, the passive is dead in the water and has no use at all for any kind of build.

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So when is NineMikeMike going to be suspended from the Barb forum, asking for a friend, several actually.


Hey. I hope that something will happen with Barb reasonably soon to create better balancing in the damage taken vs damage dealt department… I played a Barb in Beta, made it past level 20 and deleted it. I just created a seasonal Barb because people (friends) keep telling me “It’s better” and while I agree it’s better, it’s still awful. I main a Necro, I also enjoy ranged Rogue. Sorceress… terrible, Druid is pretty good. Here’s my biggest gripe. It’s a BARBARIAN!! They are a tankish DPS class who excel at dealing damage, and also mitigating damage, so their team mates survive and can deal additional damage. Why in the heck does the Barb feel almost as squishy as the Sorceress? Where is the passive damage mitigation, no really, not the nonsense tiny percentage they’ve been given, but real quality damage mitigation? Barb isn’t meant to deal 5 million damage, they’re meant to kill things gradually while surviving the onslaught of monster hordes in droves. I am absolutely ashamed of both of the barbarians I rolled. They feel like glass cannons. And I have heard “You just need to grind it to a higher level and get expertise” or “it gets better when you get legendaries and aspects” The class shouldn’t be solely dependent on gear, or one item. I shouldn’t have to die 4 times and hour, and run away at least once every fight to not die as a Barbarian. Please… figure out some balance to Barbarians. As they sit right now, they are terrible. The defensive skills need more mitigation so they can survive up close encounters. The DPS is well enough, as they kill things a little slower, but this means without the damage mitigation most fights are too long to survive. I do realize there was a nerf, and that there will be additional balances, but this is entirely to do with proper damage mitigation amounts from skills that SHOULD exist, and that never have since beta. Thanks, ~JD

It makes us all very sad that you hate us. Why would you screw over 1/5 of your community?

I know you guys got more changes coming. Was just wondering if, with the upcoming changes to boss health, can we somehow make barbs stronger for single target? This change is really gonna make people who wanna do dungeons not even wanna attempt the boss at hogher levels because single target damage on barbarians is no that good honestly. Would also like to maybe see something done about hamstring, seems almost like a useless passive now for barbs

Thnks for all…!!!

I want to know why there is NEVER a gear transmog for Barbarians that is Holy or in likeness thereof the Necromancer’s “Adepts Of Faith” … seriously the things that summon the dead and are a demon basically get Angelic armor but Barbarians have to wear tongues and blood soaked ugliness … The Norse are proud and honorable … more worthy of something like “Adepts of Faith” … Please for the love of all that is Holy fix this.

I apologize for complaining, but I am right in this. Thank you kindly for your time.

Revert the key passive changes NOW that you plan for S5 - it will break the class majorly and you will lose alot of players by not doing so!

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