We need wings in Diablo 4

Since DIV is the best multiplayer game of the year i would like to see a magic flying carpet like that one in Ultima lying in front of Dungeon Despise that can transport the whole group.

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i demand glitter then :smiley:


And I demand a shrubbery!

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hah whats that :D? im the german dude didnt know that term yet ^^

translator tells me “bushes” :smiley:

https://. m.youtube.com/watch?v=zIV4poUZAQo

:eyes: old comedy stuff. Good though.

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hah i know that if course! XD its been a bit ive seen it tho

Apparently I can’t embed media links, yet it allowed me to make a media link :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Blizz forum is drunk :rofl:

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id make an angry thread about it if i was you. :wink:

Nope, already spent 24 hours in blizz jail courtesy of someone who’s name starts with Ex, and ends with iled.

Shame the media link to super troopers little bear skit probably went riiiight over some heads :rofl:

But yes. Back on topic. Rainbow glitter wings. To keep in my stash.
I do wish to be armed with the horadric hamburger though.

sigh ^^ ive spent my times in forum jail myself :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

my necro needs to be a buttlerfly really >_>

Yeah, but it was my birthday! Like… who does that…… birthday boy gets chucked into the sin bin :face_with_spiral_eyes:
I mean, I had to find something else to do while I was at work :sob:
So I sat outside the door with a pack of cigarettes and smoked, and discussed the next weeks work load with the boss (my boss is awesome).

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there better be wings for white knights, else ill go crazy here seriously :I

no please no wings go play wow or go back to d3

we need pets… pets pet and more pets!

Id play Diabloman Go and catch them all as long as they work for me and pick up all my junk and if a premier pet would auto salvage that would be pure gold

No god damn wings! No sparkle wings!

Wings and pets are must.
But I’m pretty sure we’ll get them eventually.

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But we are,we are all kids from angel and demon

“I bet a lot of players will agree with me”
50 posts later…