VOH Launch Delayed! Panic! Not

Maybe I didn’t make a mistake watching football tonight

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Yo mama so ugly that her pillows cry.

Lol same but hete i am im in it for the long run now. Works going to be ruff tomorrow lol

@SavageSaBLe, the joke has been done a thousand times already

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I know I sure died during this wait.

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I’m gonna pp and poopoo in mah pantaloons

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Glad your alive enough to comment

Samesies, but thankfully no work tomorrow.

When does a joke become a dad joke? When it becomes apparent.

prove it! we’re waiting

maybe it wasnt the two hours; it was the gay friends we made along the way

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only enough.
20 characters

Good news guys they got the microtransactions working again. Server will be up soon


i too have heard it but that doesnt mean its correct at all times

The new update is NOWHERE nearly finished. We will be giving LOTS OF BUGS the greenlight once the update is finished and available for PC Bnet users to download.


I am hungry again, with nothing to eat.

Finally I can buy the new horse armor so I can feel good about myself and not be the failure my dad said I was

Watching a depressing a$$ TV show during a depressing a$$ wait for a game launch, but at least I have yo momma jokes to laugh at. Thanks all!

all i want to do is download this update and head to bed. tell u whats going on already

Doesn’t matter we got the microtrans to work again without crashing the accounts.