Veiled Crystals

Just went to WT2 to confirm this, but its actually incorrect. While the cost may be lower of a charatcter being leveled, for me the cost for an imprint on an IP925 item was still 75.

What this suggests is that the cost is assoicated with Item Power or Base/Sacred/Ancestral. Lower the item Power/Type, lower the cost. So cost is not so much defined by WT as by the gear itself.

In some respects this is a valid concept, to have higher grade items cost more, but regadrless the cost increase from live is rediculous given the Rarity of VC’s in higher WT’s.

Checked this as well on Live and the result was weird. Cost to imprint a 2 Handed Weapon with saved Ancestral Aspect at both WT2 and WT4 was 0 VC while for a Sacred Aspect it was 36 VC? I would have expected the reverse.

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Yeah, but Live also drops thousands of VC, so nobody notices or cares.

The big sticking point for me is the lack of VC drops in higher WT. That makes zero sense. It would also be nice if Legendaries gave 5 VC. Small? Sure. But on PTR, it’s 0.

But I’m sure Blizzard will address it. I’m actually happy that materials might actually be meaningful - they just need tuning.

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My starting at 1 character is level 72 and still has rares equipped.

I’m not finding legendary items with the stats I want and the 2 I have so far have been stunted by the need for veiled crystals. I think I have 3 ancestral items including my weapon and that’s a rare.

Given the legendary drop rate is increased for the PTR, I suspect when it goes live there will be a lot of people outfitted in either old legendary items or rares.

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Mine had a good amount of legendaries, but only because of guaranteed drops from the Helltide Boss and Treasure Goblins. Those gobbos are like gold now! I imagine Butcher will be the same.

The drop rates may be messed up but the other part of the equation is that the cost of adding aspects or changing aspects when you find a better one is too high. In the core game it is something like 30. PTR has it at 75. You also need Veil Crystals for a lot of stuff. Some potions and incense requires them, adding aspects, Tempering, Masterwork , changing enchantment at the Occultist, etc.

I ran two helltides back to back and focuses on picking up every VC that dropped plus every piece of junk (I mean Rare) and ended up with almost 400 VC. I burned through it changing on enchantment, adding an aspect and Tempering once. That is two hours of effort on one weapon. (and it actually felt like the VC drop rate was higher than the last time I did it yesterday)

IMO. the Aspect cost should be no more than 50 at the max.

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As others have said, this may be a delibereate change for the PTR to test out the lower bounds of accesptability for resourse drops, and will be adjust to a more normalised level for S4 release. Much the same as the Cinders drop levels. In the Helltide I did on WT2 this morning I got over 1000 cinders, but in 1/2 hour on WT4 just got enough for the Living steel Chest, vs over 700 per hour in Live.

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I’ve seen one butcher so far and he died so fast that I wouldn’t have known if I didn’t hear the sound file. Sadly his loot was also unimpressive.

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We got 1 random AF dude overhere not even posting legitimate evidence about supposedly farming 500 VC in 2 hours, which is really low if you ask me. Why aren’t more people confirming these drop rates but instead reporting lower rates? You must be agod gamer, I guess…

It’s actually pathetic because the drop rates are increased on the PTR.

Again, though, get the heck out of here with your inflated madeup stats that are still unimpressive. You might be okay with horrid drop rates, but most people might not enjoy playing D4 Helltide for 80% of the season just to farm VCs to temper, MW, enchant, and imprint their gear.

Rofl! Hold on, let me make similar screen shots. I can make new chars, boost them, and pretend I farmed. What a guy…

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I am not a fan at the moment of the veiled crystal drop rate to cost ratio. I do believe and see a necessity for some item to be farmed, however VCs have now become the most valuable asset in the game.

I would like to see the costs go down, with maybe increase in the drop rate. More specifically the cost to Temper, Master, Enchant, etc… should drop significant enough that we have the freedom to experiment and ‘craft’ more. Most importantly, I want to focus on just the game or other goals, and not have to spend the entire morning (as I did today) running specifically just helltides and helltides, over and over, trying to collect as many rares as I could.

Others have stated the same. Believe whatever you’d like, but VC drops in WT2 are decent, and they fall off in WT3 and further in WT4.

I’m not. Read my other posts. Clearly I’ve stated the drop rate is bugged.

That’s been my experience as well. I’ll find an upgrade and want to set it up via re-rolls, imprinting and tempering but… can’t. Not enough crystals. I perform some of these actions and stuff it in the stash. Now I have to farm for an hour or two to finish it. Perhaps I get some idea to adjust my setup around a different aspect or two. Not enough veiled crystals. Go farm for an hour or two to collect enough.

It’s a tad irritating. It’s a huge disservice to these item modification and upgrade systems. All of them should be something players feel they can routinely engage with. Not just at the end. Across the leveling and progress journey. The loop should be find item, upgrade it, look for better items, upgrade them when they appear and swap. Not slap on base items, hoard materials and save them for the prettiest loots in all the land.

The thing that strikes me as odd, I had no issues on live when forgotten souls were at their rarest. I could run a single helltide and get 50-60 FS no problem then upgrade a piece or two through the occultist before I ever felt like I was out. And that was when I was on my first character. By the time I was running my 4th or 5th it was nearly impossible to be out of materials.

With Veiled Crystals now, I can run an entire helltide, end up with 140 VC and still not be able to do the 1 thing I want to do. Then you need 30 per tempering attempt (on a piece I worked on last night). So that could be 150 VC for one item, that’s 300 now. We still haven’t added the enchanting cost which can be anything when you count bad luck. That means you’re looking at an entry fee of 3 Helltides just to equip one piece of gear. That’s pretty absurd… especially when I’m talking about a character below level 80.

+1. This limit means 1

  1. most of us cant engage with the new crafting system
  2. cant test builds using new itemization changes
  3. are going to get very tired of helltide despite improvements very fast

I expect given the drop rate was increased for PTR that this, if unchanged, will be exacerbated even further upon release.

Would strongly suggest

  1. decrease the cost to imprint, use this as the floor, then increase slightly for tempering then again for masterworking. Make the cost match the expected progression
  2. Auto salvage rares after lvl 100. They are worthless after the 2 affix change. Only reason i pick them up is to salvage for VCs
  3. Allow legendary salvage to provide VCs
  4. Generally make VC’s have higher drop rates.

The VC costs are going to undermine all the work you’ve done on these improvements by preventing people from being able to engage with the updates and forcing people grind events (i.e. helltide) to the point they get sick of it.

Putting the obviously bugged builds (100% lucky hit of ebonpiercer). This is the single biggest problem in the PTR and, as stated above, invalidates all other improvements by blocking people from engaging with said improviements