Unable to enable framerate generation with 4090 - option greyed out

Have a 4090 graphics card, gpu scheduling turned on, option to enable framerate generation is greyed out. all drivers updated.

They disabled it.

It was working fine for me, but apparently they claim there is a bug with it.

-Season 4 Issue Tracking

Problem with disabling it, its a pretty significant performance hit on the game. I had to actually lower some of my quality settings for Ray Tracing to keep the game playing at 100FPS on 1440p.

Well i haven’t had a single crash since they disabled FG. Before i had like 6.

Yea game was crashing frequently with frame generation enabled when it normally wouldn’t I turned it off before they disabled it and the issue was gone.

Blizzard is just incompetent when it comes to game engines…

May have to do with driver version as well. I’m still running the release drivers for the 4080 Super. 551.31.

I will not upgrade drivers unless I have to. Before that update, I was running on drivers from last June when the game launched. Only updated so the new card would work. :smiley:

Mine are even older, 546.56 or so… :sweat_smile:

still unplayable and they r worrying about the tree over this serious matter…

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