Try to see it from the perspective of a casual gamer

Funny, working in multiple studios since '96 and in multiple genres of game releases this has NEVER been an old rule in game design. Quit making stuff up. You were also the guy saying in tempering complaint posts that you only play 4 hours a week and don’t want tempering changed because you “wanted something left to do at the end of the season”

Bruh, with 4 hours of playtime a week you aren’t even going to scratch the end game, much less lose out on content because Temper bricking is changed. Would you stop making stuff up to fit your arguments. Its rediculous.

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Hey look it’s the dude with no job, trolling the blizzard forums because it completes him as a person. /laugh.

Who are you and why are you so mad? Most people dont get this butt-hurt over something as insignificant as a little video game. I hope you feel better.

Except it has. Look up Sid Meier’s 10 rules of game design. Again, I have no idea what your studios are doing, but this is a well-known approach to making sure you get the balance right.

And yes, you can play the endgame and find items and brick them on 4 hours a week. I’ll say again what I said in that thread: your experience of the game is not the only one that matters.

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says the guy with 2.5k troll posts. Work out. The endorphins will help with your personality.

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The difference is, my experience being relayed here is an honest one. You make things up to fit your narrative. Trying to pass off ONE developers idea for programming and design as an industry standard is laughable. We get it, you and sub love Blizzard and want to see if they will give you a job if you brown nose enough…

They won’t. They don’t know you exist.

Oh he mentioned post count! Thats another buzzword bingo. This forum never disappoints.

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Your ignorance is astounding. It doesn’t give me much faith in your “honest” opinion. And your choice to be maximally toxic in every interaction is puzzling. But I’m sure that you do great work on your games, insulting everyone who disagrees with you and dismissing advice from industry legends.


I insult those who insult others. I’m a sheepdog. Don’t like it, don’t try and defend people like subdriver. It’s simple. I like when out of shape, unhappy trolls who don’t have anything going on in real life try to impose some sort of grief on others to make themselves feel better. It gives me inner joy to watch them unravel with emojis and teenager’esque come backs like “umad! LULZOLZOLZLERZ”

As for you. You are lying. What do I care what you have to say? To balance by doubling and halving is the most ridiculous way to balance. Sounds like someone trying to explain game design when they don’t realize the amount of data matrix we have setup that tell us EVERYTHING about what you do as a gamer in our games. LEARN how the job works before trying to tell others about what designers do and don’t do. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Reviewing the title of the thread then reading some of the comments, not hard to see this has devolved into deranged gaslighting nonsense.

Long story short, if you don’t have the time to put in after work or if you have too many responsibilities to attend to, hang it up and move on. Switch to roguelite gaming that does not require a time investment.

This guy has some strange fascination with my body. I appreciate your infatuation with me but Im really not into it. So weird. :sweat_smile::joy::rofl:

Yes they do. Do they care? No they dont.

Why? Because there are plenty of other ppl which wants a balanced game and nerfs is required. Also it was very clear from the start that it would be a live service game. It was also very clear such things would happen and u agreed to it when signing the ToS.

Do i understand that u are frustrated? Yes i do from your perspective and how u play and enjoy the game. Do i care? No because the world isnt revolving around u.

It seem like u want to have to grind for new gears. U wanna be decked out. One of the main focus about diablo is grinding. Their vision is that there will always be something to grind for or chase to improve your character. It seem like your view and what the game is designed to be is clashing. Maybe u should try another genre?

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I get you are young, no direction, diet all out of whack and lonely. It sucks for your generation. Honestly. When I grew up in the 80’s we were outside, had friends, the food wasn’t killing us… it was a better time.

But trying to fill that hole in you with trolling random people you don’t know on the internet won’t lead to fixing the problem… working out, eating right, and going out into the world will. Sunlight will give you the vitamin D you severely lack, and that coupled with the endorphins from working out your whole life will change one day bubba. I promise. If you need to talk, let me know. I’m here for you.

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I really am living in your head. This is so weird.

ok, well I tried to actually be someone who cares. What’s the point. Take care young man. Hope you get it all figured out one day.

From any point of view it’s just bad game design and maintenance to take a viable build and turn it into garbage. It’s a sign that either the people in charge have no long-term vision or understanding of a game they want to have long term appeal, and/or the developers have no clue how to work within the confines of the game they created.

Balancing a game with as many random factors that go into a character’s performance and stats is never going to be easy, but it shouldn’t be a swinging pendulum nor should it involve completely unneeded nerfs OR buffs.

Blizzard needs to pick what builds they want to be best for each class (there will always be best in games like this,) make sure they pick several, and test them with IDEAL affix and such setups. And balance until they all perform roughly equally, then work backwards from there. Then, skills that don’t make the cut for these builds need to be brought up to an acceptable level so they are fun to play at minimum for people that don’t want a cookie cutter build and just want to play around.

This would take a lot of work, a lot of math, a lot of playtesting, etc. but it’s a damn basic requirement for a game like D4 and nothing announced to this date for class balancing gives me any confidence that Blizzard understands this or even cares.

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This is well said. I am considering moving to the eternal round for next season, and delaying my purchase for expansion until they develop some sense here for the average player. I have invested so much time and effort and actually got a bit lucky in S4 with some of my gear only to hear that it will largely be useless next season. I am hoping the Imposing Presence tempers stays on existing gear and they don’t try to strip those away.

The lack of sense in some of the devs (not all… there are some that actually play this game and get it from a player’s perspective) is just so discouraging.

Crazy thought - you can buff other classes to be super strong, and super fun without kneecapping others - this literally just makes the loyal fan base having fun hate the game… and those were not having fun just get to laugh and point fingers for a few days before staying miserable in their lackluster builds as well.

You don’t make one class better by making another one worse. You’d think that this concept was rocket science.

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casual or not i will never understand the restart rush to the end again and again seasonal flavor of the month approach with very little new changes other then something the top 5% will grind for again and again it sucked in D3 and its worse now imo , i hate that wow does it as well. From my mind the game suffers a lot due this seasonal approach, from progression to end game, all of it feels way to empty and bland so they can balance everything for a game that isn’t competitive, on top of that this constant nerf and buff to make you retool builds or go play the new mechanic to meet the new dumb " meta " is so old and tbh i am sick of this in every game at this point.

Casual or not the seasonal approach isn’t a hardcore thing either, you could easily develop systems and progression without the need of a turn and burn season that would benefit everyone but sadly blizzard refuses to move away from this Live Service system.


I’m sorry but the streamers have spoken. Your/their bash build isn’t cool anymore

You have about 3 months to enjoy a season. I think this is enough for Casual.

It works for me. I could finish the whole Season Journey Chapters from Chapter 1 to 7… but i might fail on one thing… killing Uber Lilith depending on how lucky i am with Uber Unique gear. But i would beat the rest of the goals on Season Journey base on my experience from previous Seasons.

Playing on Eternal Realm is so limited. Since you have no time to play the regular season, it should be enough to satisfy you.

If you are not happy, then dont play it. 3 months for 1 season should be enough for a casual.

3 months season is also with World of WarCraft. I beat AoTC and Keystone Master achievement as Casual. I would never play WoW if i cant handle those achievements like i would never play Diablo 4 season if i cant handle its Seasonal Chapters.

I completed Destroyer Chapter 7 after starting late this season. We only need 7 out of 9 objectives completed to get Destroyer… i am currently 8 out of 9… just need to kill Uber Lilith… working on progress.

What i can say as Casual is… the game should be able to give me 4 Sparks for me to forge my own Uber Unique… before killing Uber Lilith… not after killing Uber Lilith. I am on 3 out of 4 sparks.

That’s my little concern. But overall, i am okay with the game as Casual. GG.

Season 4 is great. My only concern is that they made most Uniques weak that you rather use a regular gear becoz they can ne tempered. They should make most Uniques better than a fully tempered regular gear.

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