Traps have no place in an ARPG!

Traps are fine in ARPGs, as player skills. But they even botched that, there is no true trapper build on Rogue like how POE has.

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Gamers today are crybabies with the rush rush mentality. The Vault game is not a speed game.

If time is so important to you that delays from trap is inacceptable, stop wasting your time on videogames. Videogames are big time wasters.

Traps existing in a game is very different than creating content that largely revolves around traps. Surely you can’t be so obtuse as to not see the difference.

It’s the same as MMOS with vehicle combat or jump puzzles. A quest here or there that involves them would be fine; having multiple dungeons that require them would make people upset. That sort of activity isn’t why people are playing your game in the first place.

When, in the history of ARPGs, has any majority of the playerbase cried out that they want to ‘slow down’? The genre itself is about speed and monster killing for big loot at its core. Slowing down gameplay, or making it not about ‘Go fast. Kill monsters. Get loot’ is always going to be unpopular.

You’d think people paid to design a game would understand the core concepts, and last season, it was actually looking up!! 1 step forward, 2 steps back… thats the d4 way!

He knows I have him on ignore and still responds with that. So cute.

They saw them in POE’s labrynth and thought they’d try and steal from that game to try and make themselves popular.